Pokémon GO sends you into the midday heat

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Over the weekend, the Pokémon GO Community Day took place with Galar Zigzachs. However, the event prompted some coaches to change their minds – did you too?

What was that event? Community Day with Galar Zigzachs took place on Saturday, July 13th. There you could secure the Pokémon of the day, but also get some bonuses in terms of XP and stardust.

There was also a special task that brought you some Barrikadax-style cosmetics.

In order to bag all this, it made sense to play a large part of the event. However, the three hours of the event were almost exactly during Saturday lunchtime: Community Day ran from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

And that didn’t make all coaches happy.

Players bring up new times for Community Day

What is the problem? On the Pokémon GO subreddit, a trainer complained that 3 hours just wasn’t enough for a Community Day. He caught over 60 Galar Zigzachs, but only two were really good and his Shinys were all weak.

He thinks a longer time window is better – especially for players who gamble in rural areas with few stops or who have to work during the event period.

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In the comments on the post, however, players discuss another problem: namely the heat, which is sometimes very strong, especially in the midday hours.

  • “Where I live, 11am to 2pm is the hottest part of the day and we tell people to stay inside to avoid the heat. I liked when it was 10am to 5pm and I could play an hour in the morning before I got roasted alive,” writes user Siroet (via reddit).
  • “Even the game advised me to stay in lol. My phone also turned off twice because of the heat. Especially annoying when trying to catch my last possible shiny,” wrote another (via reddit).
  • “OMG same for me. Also, it’s lunch time, so it’s a double problem,” says user susy_blue (via reddit).
  • “I’m in Los Angeles. Being outside at noon in August feels like dying” (via reddit).
  • Temperatures of over 30 degrees were also experienced in Germany last Saturday, depending on where you were traveling. In many places it is currently very hot and dry.

    In the game you could often get a weather warning that pointed to heat. Some coaches had previously requested changes because of the weather.

    In addition, the “shortened” 3-hour window of the Community Day is not an issue for the first time. Because even if the event started earlier with this duration, Pokémon GO brought a 6-hour window over the course of the pandemic – a period that some trainers had apparently gotten used to before the 3-hour window returned in spring 2022 became.

    We want to know from you: How do you currently feel about Community Day? Would you like an adjustment? Take part in our survey!


    We also want to know: How do you currently perceive the Community Day? Was the heat of Galar Zigzachs Day a problem for you? Did the monster and the bonuses appeal to you, or would you like a different approach? Is there enough time at Community Day, or would you like more time?

    Tell us in the comments!

    Community Day isn’t the only event summer is bringing to Pokémon GO. Here we show you all Pokémon GO events in August at a glance.
