A new season is coming to Pokémon GO: “World of Wonders”. A teaser trailer offers the first hints of what we can expect.
When does “World Full of Wonders” start? The new season starts on March 1st, 2024 and runs until June 1st, 2024.
Niantic revealed this in a short teaser trailer on X.com. The new title “World of Wonders” can be seen there for the first time, in the German version “World Full of Wonders”. We are including the corresponding post with teaser here for you:
The teaser also shows at least two hints about what we can expect in the new season.
World full of wonders: Teaser shows Ultra Gate for Pokémon GO
What can be seen? At the end of the teaser, an ultra gate opens, as we first saw it in Pokémon GO in 2022. At that time, the Ultra Beasts broke through there. Monsters like Schabelle, Schlingking and Anego dominated the raids at that time. At that time there was also research around Cosmog, Lunala and Solgaleo – the opponents of the Ultra Beasts.
What exactly the gate means is still unclear. Now one can speculate: It’s possible that the old Ultra Beasts will return – or we’ll see the debut of some new Ultra Beasts. That would also fit with a leak from January.
In general, there are still a few ultra beasts missing from Pokémon GO, which were already hinted at back then in pretty impressive teasers. These include monsters like Muramua, Kopplosio, Venicro and Agoyon.
You can read more about the ultra beasts that were hinted at at the time here. And the legendary monster Necrozma, which is connected to the Ultra Beasts, is still missing from Pokémon GO.
What is the second clue in the trailer? Nidoran plays a major role in the trailer. There are also some flying Pokémon to see – such as Taubsi, Tauboss and Dragoran. Striking: These are all first generation Kanto Pokémon. It is possible that special attention will be paid to this.
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One thing is certain: a lot more information will be added in the coming days, perhaps even hours. The start of the season is already scheduled for March 1st. You should also keep an eye on the Pokémon Presents on February 27th. This day is considered “Pokémon Day” and it is quite possible that new information will be announced here.
As always, we will keep you updated! Let’s take a quick look back: The Sinnoh tour took place at the weekend. If you’re still missing an adventure effect, you can find out what else you can do here.