Pokémon GO: Raids with Mega Turbotok start on Thursday

You can face Mega Turbotok again in Pokémon GO starting Thursday, July 6, 2023. We at MeinMMO will show you exactly which monster is involved and whether it’s even worth it.

Which Pokemon is it? On Thursday there is another raid boss change in Pokémon GO and you can meet Mega Turbotok for a few days. Turtok’s temporary Mega Evolution isn’t a first for Raids, as it regularly returns to them. So you could already find them there in April 2023.

But is the development really worth it? We took a closer look and summarized it for you below.

When will the Mega Raids with Turbo run? Mega Turbocharged will be coming to Pokémon GO Mega Raids on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. local time. You can meet it there until July 13, 2023 at 10:00 local time, when it will be replaced by Mega Blair.

You can see an overview of all the important raid bosses in July here.

What kind of Pokemon is Mega Turbocharged?

This is Mega Turbo: Mega Turtok is the temporary advancement of Turtok. This can be evolved from Squirtle, one of the first generation starter Pokémon. In order to get a Mega Turbotok yourself, you need the corresponding Mega Energy. You can collect these by completing the mega raids.

If you have triggered the mega development, you not only increase the monster’s values ​​for the time of its activation, but you also have a special boost in the raid, in which the water attacks of other Pokémon are strengthened. This can give you a decisive advantage in battle.

In addition, there is a special candy bonus with an active mega development. This is how you get more candies when catching water-type Pokémon in Mega Turbotrek.

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Is there Mega Turtok as Shiny? Yes, after winning the raid you have a chance to encounter a dazzling Turtok. This can also be upgraded to a Shiny Mega Turbo with the appropriate Mega Energy. You can recognize it by its purple body.

Turtok normal (left) and as Shiny (right)

Is Mega Turbo worth it?

It is so strong: Like its advancements, Mega Turbok belongs to the Water type. It has high attack and defense values ​​and also has solid endurance. As a result, it lasts a long time in battle and, together with its mega boost, stays with you a little longer.

When attacking, however, there are other water-type Pokémon, such as Primal Kyogre, which are slightly better than the blue turtle. Nevertheless, it ranks among the best attackers in Pokémon GO with a move set of Aqua Gun and Aqua Howitzer.

In the GO Battle League, Mega Evolutions are generally not allowed. So you can’t use Mega Turbo there.

But you can use a regular Turtok with an Aqua Gun, Aqua Howitzer, and Ice Beam moveset, which is a solid choice, especially in Hyper League. But again, monsters like Sumpex are a better choice (via pvpoke.com).

Who is Mega Turbo worthwhile for? Mega Turbotok is a powerful attacker that is definitely worth having on your team. It is a good entry-level Mega Pokémon for raids, especially for trainers who have not been with Pokémon GO for that long. This is also because you can always find Schiggy in the game, like at the Community Day Classic in July. So you can quickly collect a lot of candy and level up strong monsters quickly.

The raids with Mega Turbotok are therefore a good opportunity to collect enough Mega Energy. You also have another chance to get hold of a strong specimen. And shiny hunters also get their money’s worth with Mega-Turtok. In addition, as with all mega developments, the mega boost in the raid and additional candies when catching monsters of the same type.

However, if you want to benefit from a better attack in combat, you should instead wait for the global GO Fest 2023, where Primal Kyogre returns to the raids.

Will you complete the raids with Mega Turbo? Or do you find the Pokémon rather uninteresting? Let us know here on MeinMMO in the comments.

There are other good monsters for raids in Pokémon GO. We show you the 18 strongest crypto attackers.
