In Pokémon GO, the Spring Hop event will start, which will be active over Easter 2023. It brings new Pokémon and some bonuses, which we show you here in the overview with Start and Shinys.
What is this event? Every year at Easter there is an event in Pokémon GO that rewards you with egg bonuses and special Pokémon.
In our overview, we summarize the “Let’s Hop Into Spring” event with all its content for you.
“Bounce into Spring”: Start, Bonuses, Pokémon, Shinys, Raids
When is the start and end? The event starts this Tuesday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m. local time. It will then be active until Monday April 10 at 20:00 local time.
What bonuses are there?
What new Pokemon are coming? You will meet the bumblebee Pokémon Wommel and its evolution Bandelby for the first time in Pokémon GO. The further development costs 50 candies.
Pokemon with costume: During the event period, you can catch Pokémon decorated with cherry blossoms. These are Pichu*, Pikachu*, Raichu*, Eevee*, Aquana, Blitza, Flamara, Psiana, Nachtara, Folipurba, Glaziola and Sylveon (Pokémon marked with a star can be caught as Shiny).
Pokemon in the wild: Cherry Blossom Pikachu*, Jigglypuff*, Cherry Blossom Eevee*, Marill*, Flurmel*, Garlanded Haspiror*, Scoppel*, and Wommel will be more common in the wild during the event. With a bit of luck you will meet Chansey with a wreath of flowers* and Togetic with a wreath of flowers*.
Pokemon in Raids:
Eevee with Cherry Blossoms*
Alola Coconut Wheat*
Haneirah with wreath of flowers*
Togetic with Wreath of Flowers*5Lugia*MegaMega Sloppy*
Eggs (2 km): The following Pokémon can hatch from the 2km Eggs that you get and hatch during the event: Eevee with Cherry Blossoms*, Pichu with Cherry Blossoms*, Togepi with Wreath of Flowers*, Azurill*, Wonneira with Wreaths of Flowers*, Owei*, Riolu * and wommel.
Collector’s Challenge and Researches: As rewards from new field researches you receive during the event, you will get encounters with Cherry Blossom* Pikachu, Garlanded Chansey*, Cherry Blossomed Eevee*, and Garlanded Togetic*. For the Hop Into Spring Collector’s Challenge, you’ll receive XP, Stardust, and a Lucky Egg.
Content in the shop: During the event and beyond you will find the new Wonneira hoodies for your avatar:
How do you like the spring event in Pokémon GO? Will you use the content and fill up your egg supplies or do you already have other plans for Easter and hardly get to play?
Write us your opinion here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers.
We show you an overview of all events in April 2023 at Pokémon GO here.