Pokemon GO launches “Gold Search” research day tomorrow with bonuses and €1 research

In Pokémon GO, the “Gold Search” event starts tomorrow and brings you some bonuses. Find out here what you can expect at the research day with Nasgnet and Gold Lure Modules.

The first special event in June 2023 at Pokémon GO is coming up. The research day focuses on field research and temporary research.

In our overview we show you how long the event lasts and what content is activated for the period.

Research event on June 3rd at Pokémon GO

When does it start? The gold prospecting research day starts on Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 p.m. local time. The event is active for three hours and ends at 5:00 p.m.

What bonuses are there? There are special features in relation to the Gold Pokémon Greedyspecter:

  • PokéStops can become Gold PokéStops even without a Gold Lure Module
  • Greedy Specter Wandering Form can only be found on Gold PokéStops if you use a Gold Lure Module. However, if you rotate the stops, you will find Greedspectre coins
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    What happens there? The event affects which Pokémon you meet in the wild and which encounters you get through new field research with increased chances of Shiny. There is paid research for this.

  • The Pokémon of the day are caterpillar, Magikarp, wetnet, Zobiris and smear. When you get new Field Research by spinning PokéStops, you’ll encounter these Pokémon. All are also available in their dazzling form. The special feature: the shiny chances for these 5 Pokémon are increased!
  • In the wild, you’ll often encounter Hornliu, Knofensa, Fiffyen, Bamelin, Sonicquap, Schnuthelm, and Velursi. All are also available in their dazzling form. With luck you will meet Schlurp (also possible as Shiny) or Azumarill.
  • Temporary research for €1: This research will only be active for the period of the event, which is June 3rd from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. You have to solve the tasks in time if you want the rewards. You can buy the ticket from 2:00 a.m. in the morning.

    Research will give you more encounters with Caterpillar, Magikarp, Nasgnet, Zobiris, and Loaches. Here too, as with field research, you have an increased chance of shinys. You can find the exact tasks and rewards for research on June 3 on MeinMMO.

    An overview of all the events that await you at Pokémon GO in June 2023.
