The second part of the Christmas Event 2022 in Pokémon GO starts on Friday. Now the bonuses, times, raids, spawns and also the optional ticket are known.
What is this event? At Christmas time, the big winter holiday event starts in Pokémon GO. This is divided into two parts. Part 1 started on Thursday December 15th and will run until December 23rd. Pokemon like Mega Firnontor, Alolan Vulpix, and Shiny Arktip are included.
Pokémon GO: Winter Holidays 2022 with new Mega and Ticket
Winter Holidays 2022 Part 2 in Pokémon GO – Start, content Shinys
When is part 2 running? As announced by Niantic, Part 2 of the Winter Holidays begins on Friday, December 23 at 10:00 a.m. The event will then run until December 31, 2022 at 8:00 p.m.
What Pokémon debuts are there? With the second part of the Christmas event, for the first time you can evolve a Petznief with a holiday ribbon into a Siberio with a holiday ribbon.
Eevee and its developments Aquana, Blitza, Flamara, Psiana, Nachtara, Folipurba Glaziola and Sylveon with holiday hats are also available in Pokémon GO for the first time. You can also meet Eevee as Shiny.
You can also get Eevee Evolutions with a Holiday Hat by evolving an Eevee with a Holiday Hat.
You can also influence the development of Eevee with nicknames and tricks if you want a specific one. On MeinMMO you can read about which is the strongest Eevee development.
What bonuses are there? During the event you can choose between different bonuses as a reward for the Timed Research. You can also store up to 40 gifts in the bag until the end of Winter Holidays: Part 2.
Limited research with Galar Mimes: During the second part of the Winter Event, a Timed Research awaits you where you can choose your reward. You get these for hatching eggs, catching Pokémon, or collecting Stardust. Your selection determines which tasks you have to fulfill during the event and which bonuses you get.
Additionally, all trainers who complete the research have a chance to encounter Galar Mime and other wintry Pokémon.
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Wild Pokemon: During the event from December 23rd to December 31st, you will encounter the following Pokémon in the wild. The Pokemon we have with a star
– Glaziola with Underwater Holiday Outfit*Level 5 – Kyurem*Mega Raids – Mega Firnontor* Exclusive attacks:
If you catch a Kyurem between Friday, December 23, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. and Sunday, January 01, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., it will learn the exclusive move Ice Age. She deals 60 damage in Trainer Battles and 160 damage in Arena and Raid Battles. Raid day with Hisui Arktilas:
Increased chance of Shiny Hisui Arktilas. eggs:
crab box Field research:
During the event there will also be special field research again. For completing these field research tasks, you will receive encounters with Pikachu in Winter Carnival Outfit*, Alolan Sandan*, Jurob*, Muschas*, Rossana*, Eevee with Holiday Hat*, Botogel with Holiday Bow*, Petznief with Holiday Bow* and Krabbox.
Rarely you will meet Sniebel* and Glaziola* with underwater holiday outfits.
Certain tasks will grant you Mega Energy for Rexblisar. Avatar Items:
Festive beard
Mini-Event with Collector Challenge and Lucky Swap When is the mini event?
From Saturday, December 24 at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, December 25 at 8:00 p.m., the Winter Wonderland event will be running in Pokémon GO. Change to Lucky Swap?
Niantic is increasing the number of Lucky Pokémon you can guaranteed get from trading from 10 to 15. Also, from now on, if you trade a Pokémon that’s been in the Pokémon -Box of a trainer was.
Daily adventure smoke lasts for 30 minutes during the event Collector Challenge:
There will be a Winter Wonderland Collector’s Challenge. If you complete this successfully by December 25th at 20:00, you will receive XP, smoke and can encounter a Galar Mime.
Winter Holiday Timed Research Ticket Part 1 What does this cost?
You can get the ticket for 5 US dollars (about 5 €). What’s in it?
Encounters with various event Pokémon How long does this run?
You must have completed the research before 20:00 on Saturday, December 31, 2022. This means that the tasks must be completed and the rewards collected by then.
If you don’t have time to play Pokémon GO during December’s holiday season, look forward to Community Day in early January. With Igamaro, the focus is on a starter from the sixth generation.
Pokémon GO: Community Day revealed in January 2023 with Igamaro and bonuses