Pokémon GO kicks off hatch day with Riolu and this content on Saturday

Hatch Day with Riolu is a new event in Pokémon GO. We show you what awaits you on Saturday.

What is this event? Hatching Days work similarly to Community Days and revolve around a Pokémon taking center stage. With a hatching day, the chances of certain shinys are increased and the selected Pokémon should be found in 2 km eggs much more often.

Here is an overview of everything you need to know about the three-hour event.

Hatch Day July 22nd with Riolu – Start, Bonuses, Shinys

When is the event running? On July 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.

What bonuses are there? The focus of the event is Riolu, which will hatch more frequently from the 2km Eggs and will have increased Shiny chances. For this you get:

  • Double Stardust when hatching Pokemon
  • More 2 km Eggs when spinning PokéStops
  • Special research for the event when spinning PokéStops
  • Temporary research: You can complete a Timed Research during the event, which will reward you with a Super Incubator at the end. It is important that you only have a little time for this, because the research ends with the event. You must have completed the tasks and collected the rewards by 5:00 p.m.

    Tip: Note that Riolu will only hatch more frequently from the 2km Eggs you receive during the event and put in your Incubators. So clear your space beforehand. On Sunday the Community Day will be repeated with Schiggy. A bonus of the appointment is four times the hatching speed of eggs. So you can hatch all the 2-eggs that you received with Riolu on hatch day even faster on Sunday.

    What does Shiny Riolu look like? In the following graphic we show you the comparison of Shiny Riolu and his normal form as well as Lucario:

    Why is it worth it? Riolu is popular with trainers. The reason for this is his further development Lucario, which is one of the best combat attackers in Pokémon GO. At the event you have the chance to get strong fighters.

    For this reason alone, many trainers want to take part in this event and upgrade their collection. Are you also there?
