Pokémon GO teased a big event with Team GO Rocket. Some players already have concrete assumptions about what will happen there.
What is Team GO Rocket? Every mainline Pokémon game has an evil team pursuing criminal activities and terrorizing the trainers of the Pokémon world. Already in Generation 1, the franchise introduced “Team Rocket”, who have been trying to steal Pokémon to bring power and wealth to their leader Giovanni.
However, the criminal gang not only appears in the Pokémon regions Kanto and Johto and in countless episodes of the anime, they also exist in Pokémon GO. In the mobile game, you can compete against the villains at PokéStops and Ballons and, as a result, save their Shadow Pokémon.
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Giovanni gathers all the bosses and bullies
What is this Rocket event? Details about the event are not yet known, but a Twitter thread from the official Pokémon GO account reveals that Giovanni and his henchmen are planning something big again. The leader of Team Rocket is said to have gathered all the bosses and bullies.
What is that?! We’ve found worrying evidence that TeamGORocket may be up to something…
Update: We’ve intercepted Team GO Rocket’s radio traffic. Apparently, Giovanni has summoned all of Team GO Rocket’s bosses and bullies to a special summit. We’ve heard rumors of acquisitions before, but something about this feels… different.
Pokemon GO via Twitter
There will also be a video on YouTube that will reveal more clues about the event. This video has a 24 hour countdown that will end on May 18th at 3pm.
“Shadow Raids coming up?”
What do the players suspect is behind it? Some players suspect that the release of so-called “shadow raids” could be imminent, which a group of data miners is said to have discovered in the game files in March.
Other players believe Pokémon GO is making a connection here to the upcoming release of the Master Ball, which will be available in-game as early as May.
The theory is based on the fact that players received the Master Ball in the first generation games after defeating Giovanni and thwarting Team Rocket’s plans in Kanto.
The “shadow” content in German is the crypto content. A Shadow or Crypto Raid would therefore focus on the strong Crypto Pokémon.
Another big find by Dataminer, which shows three new rocket items, recently increased the suspicion of an imminent release of crypto raids.
Big find in Pokémon GO shows new items – will these be the crypto raids?