Pokémon GO: Guide to the Community Day Classic with Larvitar

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On January 21, 2023, Pokémon GO will host the Community Day Classic with Larvitar. You can find out everything about the content, bonuses and how to use them here.

What is this event? The Community Day Classic is a special form of the Community Day. This twist on the usual event once again features a popular monster that has had a Community Day in the past.

So everyone who couldn’t take part in Community Day back then can now go hunting for the monster and hope for good values ​​or a shiny.

In January, the Community Day Classic revolves around the rock and ground-type Pokémon Larvitar. Its first C-Day took place in 2018.

Community Day Classic in January 2023 with Larvitar – Launch, Bonuses, Content

What? Community Day Classic with Larvitar
When? Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
Pokemon of the day: Larvitar spawns almost anywhere in the wild
Exclusive attack: The Catapult Instant Attack. To do this, evolve Larvitar into Tyranitar between 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
– Triple Catch EXP
– Smoke and Lure Modules last 3 hours
– Snapshot surprises

In addition to the bonuses, you will, as usual, find special research for one euro in the shop. The ticket will then bring you tasks related to Larvitar and some items and encounters as a reward.

In addition, the bonuses of the current Lunar New Year 2023 event also apply.

Who is the Community Day Classic with Larvitar worthwhile for?

Basically, Larvitar isn’t as rare as it used to be, but its evolution Tyranitar is still a good rock attacker. The instant attack “catapult” is crucial for this, which you can secure at the event.

So it’s worth catching a Tyranitar with strong stats if you don’t already have one.

At the same time, you can also use the event perfectly to get candies for any Crypto versions of Larvitar, Pupitar and Despotar that you already have in your collection. Crypto Tyranitar continues to be one of the best rock and dark attackers.

In addition, Tyranitar theoretically has a Mega Evolution, for which you could catch a good specimen. However, it is not yet available in the game.

Finally, Larvitar can also be Shiny. An overview of the Shiny family of the monster can be found here:

This is what Larvitar’s Shiny family looks like

This is how you make the most of the Community Day Classic

Prepare place: If you plan to catch a lot of Larvitar, you should sort out your Pokémon collection. Use the filter function for this: With the search term

you will only see monsters that are worse than 2 stars.

Evolve Mega Pokémon: If you evolve a Mega Pokémon of the right type, you’ll get extra candies for Larvitar when you catch them. In this case these are:

  • Mega Sumpex
  • Mega Steelix
  • Mega Aerodactyl
  • Depending on the Mega Level of your Mega Pokémon, the chance of XL Candy is then also increased.

    Which items are worthwhile for the Community Day Classic with Larvitar?

    pineapple berries: If you are on the hunt for candies, this is the logical item. It doubles your Catch Candies, which you can use to level up your Tyranitar specimens.

    Smoke & Lure Modules: The smoke will bring additional spawns as you move, while the Lure Module will bring more monsters to you if you rest at an appropriate PokéStop. Both last 3 hours, so you only need to use one item for the whole event.

    Lucky Egg: If you want to double your tripled catch EXP again, you should use a lucky egg. Especially “Fabulous Throws” serve as a very good XP supplier on Community Days with XP bonuses. This can be worth it if you want to level up and catch a lot of monsters.

    Are you attending Community Day with Larvitar, or do you already have enough copies? Tell us in the comments!

    Otherwise, the spawns of the Lunar New Year event might be more for you. There are currently 11 monsters in the event that you shouldn’t miss.
