Pokémon GO: Golden PokéStops are back

In Pokémon GO you can find golden PokéStops again at the moment. We at MeinMMO explain to you what it is all about and how you can use it.

What PokeStops are we talking about? If you currently look around on the Pokémon GO map, you can occasionally discover one or the other golden PokéStop in your area. But what do they mean and how can you use them? We have summarized this for you below.

What are golden PokéStops anyway?

Why are the stops showing up? In Pokémon GO, since the launch of the A Paldea’s Adventure event, PokéStops have occasionally shone gold. This is a special bonus that you will receive as part of the current event.

The stops are in fact in a direct connection to the Paldea region, which is currently being discussed. For example, the little ghost Pokémon Creeper (Wandering Form) is looking for golden coins, which it wants to find with your help at the golden PokéStops.

Due to the release of Pokémon Crimson and Crimson for the Nintendo Switch, golden PokéStops could be found in the game as early as November 2022, after the C-Day Classic with Dratini, and were even pursued by Greedy Specter. Now, the special PokéStops are back and bringing you some rewards as well.

Is always the same stop golden? No, the PokéStops will randomly turn gold for a period of time and then revert back to their blue color. So they change, which is why a golden PokéStop can also appear near you for a short time. Because of their striking color, you can also see them from afar.

Do the stops stay in play permanently? No, according to current information, the golden PokéStops will only remain for the duration of the Paldea event and the subsequent Hyperbonus: Paldea event. They will therefore disappear again on September 15, 2023 at 20:00 local time and can then only be recolored with the help of golden lure modules.

Can you get greed bugs and golden coins from the stops?

What do you get at the gold PokéStops? If you have discovered a golden stop, then you should definitely rotate it. With a bit of luck, you can use it to secure golden coins for Gierspenst.

In addition, you have the opportunity to get a whole range of items. So it’s a good chance to replenish your supply of balls, berries, potions and revives after the global GO Fest.

Are the golden coins important? Yes, you need this in order to be able to develop Greedspecter into Monetigo. However, this requires a lot of them, 999 to be exact, so don’t miss the chance to get coins. Monetigo also has a strong attack, earning it a place among the best Ghost Attackers in Pokémon GO.

Can you catch Greed Specter there? No, you cannot catch a Greed Specter at the golden PokéStops currently spawning in the game. This is only possible for Trainers who have linked their Pokémon GO account with the corresponding Nintendo Switch games and can therefore use a gold lure module.

In the following article we have summarized how you can get a greed bug and what a golden lock module is.

more on the subject

Pokémon GO: Catching the Greed Specter – Everything to get coins, gold PokéStops, Switch

by Max Crafts

How do you like the golden PokéStops in the game? Would you like them more often? Or do you prefer to use gold Lure Modules to collect Greed Specter Coins? Let us know here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers.

In order to secure Monetigo, you need a lot of golden coins. A YouTuber shows how you can get over 1,000 coins in one day.
