Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Trainers are annoyed by the bad shiny chances

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There should be a high chance of shinys at GO Fest 2022, which Pokémon GO hosted this weekend. But many coaches are disappointed. You too? Show us in the poll.

What is the problem? The big GO Fest 2022 took place on June 4th and 5th, 2022. Niantic made promotions and announcements for weeks in advance to show the trainers what to expect with the ticket for a price of almost €17.

A convincing purchase argument for many players was the increased chance of dazzling Pokémon (Shinys). Before the event, Niantic showed exactly which Pokémon you can meet more often in the wild if you have a ticket. In this way, collectors could see whether it would be worthwhile for them to take part. But during the event there was hardly any sign of the increased shiny chances. Coaches are upset.

Here we show you the votes of the trainers and a survey in which you can show yourself how many shinys you have found.

“Ridiculous” – Trainers find clear words about shiny chances and demand replacements

Here’s how Niantic announced it: On the official website of GO Fest 2022 you can read “During the event period, there is an increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon in the wild and when using smoke. This chance is higher on Saturday than on Sunday.” However, this bonus is only reserved for coaches with a ticket.

For players without a ticket it says “For the first time in Pokémon GO you can encounter Shiny Milza, Knilz, Camaub, Laukaps and Schnuthelm if luck is on your side!”
Niantic did not name any special Pokémon that should increase the chances of dazzling encounters. For this purpose, it was shown which Pokémon should be encountered more frequently by ticket holders in smoke and which of them could be caught as Shiny.

In combination with the fact that there should be a higher chance of shinys from Pokémon that are attracted by smoke, many assumed higher shiny chances for the Pokémon shown.

These included Galarian Wet Smog, Unown B, G, O, and U, Klikk, Milza, and Galarian Flampion.

It really was like this: On the first day of GO Fest, June 4th, many trainers complained about the shiny chances. Here with us on MeinMMO in the comments, on reddit, Twitter and Facebook you could see the anger of many players who drew their conclusions after day 1.

This is what the trainers say after day 1:

  • Aro-wanKenobi (with ticket) writes on reddit “Completed Day 1 here in Japan. Just four shinys after eight full hours of tireless catching and running in the summer heat. Worst GO Fest I’ve ever been to. There were also some spawn glitches that might cost me a few shinys as well.”
  • Erroneus writes on reddit: 0 in 4 hours. i stopped playing It’s the first event I’ve done this, but it’s just a waste of time here. A friend was with me, also caught 0 Shinys. Another friend 1, another 3.” They played in Denmark, all with tickets. “I will not pay for another event unless they announce the Shiny Opportunities. Because that’s terrible.
  • With us on MeinMMO, Angelika writes: “Two people, two shinys. We feel fooled. “Buy tickets, there are more and new Shinys” was an outright lie.”
  • On MeinMMO, caitokid writes: “I was able to play all day because we were out and about in Düsseldorf and Wuppertal when the weather was good (€9 ticket) :-). But I only caught 3 Shinys and didn’t see a single Milza as Shiny. I caught several in the process.”
  • On our Pokémon GO Facebook page, we asked Trainers how their Shiny yields were on Day 1:
  • Julia writes: “2 in 8 hours with a ticket! Ridiculous!”
  • Nastassja writes: “13 with a ticket in 8 hours and at 24km on foot”
  • Ines writes: “Caught = 0, hatched = 1, with ticket”
  • Mandy writes: “2 with ticket in 8 hours”
  • Julian says: “7 with a ticket I’m really disappointed”
  • Mike writes: “1 Shiny. Worst event so far. Otherwise I always had a good yield. A lot of Pokemon just fizzled out when clicked.”
  • Vote – How many shinys did you catch at GO Fest 2022?

    You are asked: In the survey, we want to know from you more precisely how many shinys you caught and whether you played with or without a ticket. Each user has one vote and can cast it in the poll here:

    What is your final opinion on the GO Fest 2022? Overall, are you happy with the event, or was there content and issues that frustrated you and didn’t make you enjoy it? We are curious about your opinion and look forward to reading from you in the comments.

    After server problems a few days ago, a replacement event should start soon.
