Pokémon GO brings the last promo code to a one-all tour

A promo code for Pokémon GO was released again. Here you have the opportunity to dust fusion energy.

What is the code? The new promo code that you can redeem in Pokémon GO is:

What does the code bring? If you resolve the code, you will get 50 brand fusion energy again. You need this energy to merge Kyurem and Reshiram and to maintain the white kyurem, one of the two new forms of the monster. If you want to receive the mergers, you still have to complete Raids on the one-all tour. The energy from the code alone is not enough.

Which codes are there currently? As part of the Einall Tour 2025, several codes have recently been released for Pokémon GO:

You can see the trailer for the new season in Pokémon Go here:

Pokémon GO: That is powerful and masterful in the new season

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So you can solve promo codes in Pokémon Go

The procedure for redeeming one of the promo codes has been identical for some time in both iOS and Android devices. The process looks like this:

  • Open the Pokémon GO lobstore
  • Select the “Redeem code” item
  • Register with your Pokémon GO account if you are not already registered
  • Enter the code and click on “Apply”
  • If you open the game now, you will see a notification that informs you that you have redeemed a code. If this does not appear directly with you, then closes and opens the game again or try it again after a few minutes.

    The published codes are a good opportunity to get a small amount of fusion energy if you are targeting the Kyurem fusions. These are published this weekend in the course of the global one-all tour 2025 for all trainers and represent mighty attackers in Pokémon Go.
