Pokémon GO is bringing a Community Day Classic with Voltilamm in November. We’ll show you all the bonuses and content.
What kind of event is this? Community Day Classic works similarly to Community Day, except that it highlights a monster that has already had such an event.
Players who missed the date can make up for it and, for example, secure strong copies or shiny variants of the Pokémon. Or simply take part again.
What is the event Pokémon? This time it’s Voltilamm’s turn. It evolves into Ampharos via Waaty and also has a mega evolution to offer. It had its first Community Day in March 2018.
When is Community Day Classic running? It will take place on Saturday, November 25, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.
What bonuses does Community Day Classic bring with Voltilamm?
There are a number of bonuses you can take advantage of on Community Day Classic.
All bonuses and content of the event:
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Who is the Community Day with Voltilamm worthwhile for?
Basically, Volti Lamb is a popular Pokémon and if you don’t have a Shiny yet, you can get one at this event. This is what it looks like:
Voltilamm definitely has its uses in terms of play. While Ampharos isn’t an absolute top pick in Battle League PvP, it fills a niche in the Hyper League that can be used to surprise opponents.
Mega Ampharos is particularly useful in raids. Mega Evolution is one of the best Electric-type attackers in Pokémon GO and also boosts attacks of the same type.
So it may be worth taking part in the event if you are still missing a strong Volti Lamb. If you are already provided for in this regard, you can at least secure the quarter hatching distance for eggs.
There are no level 4 special raids, which now always take place after the event at normal Community Days, at Community Day Classic.
The overview of the events in November 2023 in Pokémon GO shows you what else is going on in the game.