Pokémon GO brings a new monster made only of eggs and receives strong criticism for it

In Pokémon GO, an event will start on May 2nd that will bring the new monster Ignivor into play. However, this will only be available from eggs. For the associated development, however, Ramoth needs a whole bunch of candies, which is a negative for some trainers.

What is this event? The event “An Intuitive Hero” starts on May 2nd, 2023 at 10:00 local time and runs until May 8th, 2023. The focus is on hatching eggs, from which the new Bug and Fire-type Pokémon Ignivor comes. This will be found in the 2, 5, and 10 km eggs.

Ignivor comes from the 5th game generation and can be evolved into Ramoth with the help of 400 candies. But this is exactly where many players see a problem.

Trainers criticize 400 candies for progression from eggs

What is criticized? Although there are other Pokémon that require 400 candies, they have always been catchable in the wild. It’s different with Ignivor now.

When hatching an egg, you get a different number of candies depending on the kilometers:

  • 2km Eggs give an average of 7 to 8 candies, with a maximum of 15
  • 5km Eggs yield 15-16 candies on average, with 21 at best
  • 10km Eggs yield an average of 23-24 candies, with a maximum of 32
  • There is also a candy for sending the Pokémon away
  • On average, players would have to incubate around 20 eggs at a distance of 10 kilometers. However, not every egg necessarily contains an Ignivor, but there are several other options. Just covering the walking distances is already challenging.

    Some trainers therefore feel compelled to buy more incubators in the shop in order to hatch several eggs at the same time and collect candies from Ignivor.

    Under a Twitter post from Pokémon GO, angry trainers gather and massively criticize the design decision:

  • For example, Pokemon GO creator HomeSliceHenry writes: “Hiding a 400 evolution behind eggs is one of the [schlechtesten] decisions of all time.”
  • Another user says: “Community engagement is at an all time low. You piss off the community even more by asking people to raid when they can’t, and then hiding a new monster behind eggs that takes you 400 candies to evolve?”
  • Other users point to the decline in Niantic’s revenue and blame it on the developers not listening to their community at all.

    In fact, some recent changes have been criticized. These include, for example, adjustments and limitations in long-distance raids, shortened community days or a reduction in the effectiveness of smoking.

    This also has an impact on the seasons of our readers. We wanted to know from you whether you are less active in Pokémon GO than you used to be and you answered quite clearly:

    Almost 2,000 MeinMMO readers revealed whether they still play Pokémon GO just as often after the recent changes

    What do you think of the new Pokemon Ignivor? Are the candies really too much?
