Pokémon GO brings 7 new quests to the crossover event

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The crossover event for the trading card game is currently running in Pokémon GO, where there is new event research again. We at MeinMMO have looked at what kind of tasks these are and whether the rewards are worth it.

What are the tasks? In Pokémon GO, the crossover event to the trading card game is currently taking place. The reason for this is a cooperation between Pokémon GO and the Pokémon trading card game, where you can soon get special expansions of the trading cards in the typical Pokémon GO design.

Therefore, numerous spawns, shinys and bonuses await you in the mobile game in the next two weeks. Of course, the event field research should not be missing. This is how Niantic unlocked 7 new tasks for you. We’ll show you what tasks and rewards there will be.

When is the crossover event running? The crossover event started today, June 16, 2022 at 10:00 local time and will run until June 30, 2022 at 20:00 local time.

All new Crossover Event quests

During the crossover event, you will again find special tasks at the PokéStops that are thematically based on the event. To get them, you simply have to rotate the photo disc. You can then find the quests in the “Field” view, which you can access using the binoculars on your map.

As always, the event tasks will be marked with the word “Event” so that you can distinguish them from the normal field research from the month of June. You have unlimited time to solve.

But what new quests will there be for the crossover event? A total of 7 new tasks are available to you, all of which will revolve around catching Pokémon, turning on Pokéstops, trading or sending them.

With the help of the LeekDuck overview, we have summarized all the tasks and rewards for you below:

taskRewardcatch 10
Pokémon3x Raspberry or
5x Pineapple BerriesCatch 15
Pokémon encounter with
bisaknosp or
Glutexo or
SchillokCatch 25
Pokémon encounter with
Bisaflor* or
Charizard* or
Turbok*Catch 40
Pokémon encounter with
Relaxo* or
Dragonite or
Pokémon encounter with
Pikachu with
Event Cap*Spin 5 PokéStops
or arenaencounter with
Rice LouseSend 10
Pokémon5 Pokeballs

Pokemon with a

are marked, with a bit of luck you can also catch them in their dazzling form.

Which tasks are most worthwhile? Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms:

The task of rotating 5 PokéStops and Arenas is particularly worthwhile at this event. For this you will receive Rißlaus, which can be found for the first time in the game. Although it will also spawn in the wild and be found in raids, the additional task can still be worthwhile, especially since it is particularly quick and easy to solve.

Rice Louse is a Pokémon from the Alola region, which belongs to the Bug and Water types. You can evolve it into Tectass with the help of 400 candies. For this reason alone, you should take the chance to collect as many copies and thus sweets as possible.

In addition, Tectass can score with a decent attack and defense value. It also has a really fast moveset with Rage Blade and Cross Scissors, allowing it to rival the best attackers in Pokémon GO. However, it is not yet available as a shiny version.

More interesting Pokemon Pikachu with event cap:

If you’re looking for a dazzling Pikachu with a Pokémon TCG cap, you can get more chances with the “Swap a Pokémon” quest.

This will only be available intermittently in the game and it is currently unknown if and when you will have the opportunity to do so again. However, you can also encounter the costumed Pokémon in larger numbers during Spotlight Hour on June 28th. Relaxo, Dragoran and Letarking:

Additionally, the Catch 40 Pokémon quest can help you solve the 6 new Crossover Event Collector Challenges. You will get an encounter with Relaxo, Dragoran or Letarking.

If you still lack these for the task, you have the opportunity to complete them. However, which monster you meet remains a coincidence. Alternatively, with a bit of luck, you can encounter these Pokémon in the wild or compete against them in level 3 raids.

What do you think of the field research for the crossover event? Will you try to secure rice louse? Or are you more interested in one of the other Pokémon? Let us know in the comments here on MeinMMO.

June brings you another surprise in Pokémon GO. Level 4 Raids are coming back for Community Day in June with Kapuno. We’ll show you what limitations there will be.
