Podcast Stadhuisplein: ‘It would be good if D66 and GroenLinks enter the opposition’

Podcast Stadhuisplein It would be good if D66 and GroenLinks

Politics have been following those speakers in the podcast for decades. And yet a lot is still uncertain for them. It is not clear what Pepijn Zwanenberg will do. Former senator Lintmeijer has been pronounced, if it is up to him, Zwanenberg will not return, not as a member of GroenLinks/PvdA and not with a new party. “He is sitting, I have to say, also on the council for a very long time,” says Lintmeijer. He believes that Zwanenberg should have stopped earlier. “Yes, I think so, that has nothing to do with Pepijn as a person, but I don’t think it is completely of this time that you stay in place for more than three periods.”
