PNRR, the magistrate of the Court of Auditors Manfredi Selvaggi will lead the new structure

PNRR the social partners summoned to Palazzo Chigi on 20

(Finance) – A few days after the conversion into law of Legislative Decree 13/2023which strengthens the governance of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the Dpcm establishing the new one has been registered with the supervisory bodies PNRR Mission Structure. “The Government’s work on the implementation of the PNRR continues unabated, and the timely establishment of the new Structure that coordinates the implementation of the Plan is a fundamental step in accelerating the implementation of the interventions”, declares the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR, Raphael Dense.

The coordination of the new PNRR Mission Structure is entrusted to Pres. Carlo Alberto Manfredi Selvaggi, Accounting Magistrate since 1997 and Section President of the Court of Auditors since 2021.

In full synergy and collaboration with the structures of the Ministry of Economy and Finance dedicated to the financial management and monitoring of interventions, the new Mission Structure of Palazzo Chigi returns centrality to Control room PNRR and reflects, in its organization, the articulation of the Plan, with Offices responsible for overseeing the Missions of the PNRR. From Digitization to Research, from the Ecological Transition to Sustainable Mobility, from Inclusion to Health, supervision is thus guaranteed on the punctual achievement of the PNRR objectives within the set times, without interruption, since the existing assignments will cease only with the completion new ones designations.

Manfredi Savages for over a decade is Regional Attorney of the Court in various regions of Northern, Central and Southern Italy and is the contact person of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for the sector of fraud against the European Union, after his experience at the Committee for the Fight against Fraud against the European Union, Italian interface of the European anti-fraud body.

“The choice of a high magistrate of the Court of Auditors, an expert in the vast field of European funds”, underlines Minister Fitto, “denotes the Government’s attention and care for the correct use of PNRR resources for the benefit of citizens, families and businesses, recipients of the development interventions promoted by the Plan. It is a choice of responsibility: those resources – concludes the Minister – are the future of Italy”.
