PNRR, sixth installment and formal request for the seventh of 18.2 billion by the end of the year

Council of Ministers definitive approval for the first three Consolidated

(Finance) – By the end of the year, Italy will collect the sixth installment of the PNRR from 8.7 billion and will present the formal request for payment of the seventh from 18.2 billion. This is what emerged during the PNRR control room which took place today in Building Chigichaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Georgie Melonsand convened by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, Raphael Thickin the presence of the responsible ministers and undersecretaries, as well as the ANCI, the UPI and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

At the opening of the works, we read in a note, the control room took note of the assessment positive expressed by Commission European last November 26, connected to the approval of the payment of the sixth installment of the PNRR, equal to 8.7 billion euros and the achievement of the thirty-nine connected objectivesthe only objective parameter for evaluating the progress of the Plan.

“With the collection of the sixth instalment, expected by the end of 2024 – declared President Meloni – Italy confirms itself as the nation that received thelarger amount of financingequal to 122 billion euroscorresponding to 63% of the overall allocation of 194.4 billion euros. During 2024, significant results were achieved which confirmed Italy’s European leadership in the implementation of the Plan, in terms of number of objectives achieved, overall resources received and approved payment requests. In these days, together with the relevant administrations, bodies and institutions, we are working hard to report the objectives of the seventh installment and to formalize the consequent request for payment by the end of the year”.

There seventh installmentcontinues Palazzo Chigi, equal to 18.2 billion euros, “envisages the achievement of goals fundamentals for the modernization and the growth of Italy, such as the launch of interventions for the strengthening of port, railway, road and urban infrastructureswhich represent a fundamental prerequisite for continuing to support the development of Noon and the concrete reduction of territorial gaps, in continuity with the strategic plan of the SEZ unique adopted by the Government”.

Among the sixty-seven objectives of the seventh instalment, of which 35 milestones and 32 targets, at the center of the work of the control room, the strengthening of bus fleet and of zero-emission trains for regional transport, metropolitan nodes and main national connections, the redevelopment of many railway stations, interventions for the cybersecuritythe modernization and implementation of infrastructure electricity transmission (SA CO I.3 and Tyrrhenian link), investments for better management of resources waterthe awarding of 55,000 scholarships to less well-off deserving students and 7,200 doctoral scholarships, the activation of 480 Territorial Operations Centers (COT) in the field of public health.

Among them reforms strategicof particular importance, continues Palazzo Chigi, the lawcompetition lawthe completion of measures to speed up payments of the Public Administrationthe revision of the universal civil service to facilitate the participation of young people and the provision on renewables, recently approved by the Council of Ministers, with the aim of simplifying the procedures for the production of energy from renewable sources, in line with the objectives of the new mission REPowerEU of the PNRR of Italy.

During his speech, the note concludes, the minister Raphael Thick “reaffirmed the importance of continuing the work and monitoring of the PNRR with the same determination, also in the wake of administrative and regulatory interventions, such as the latest law decrees on the subject and the recent decree Omnibuswhich made it possible not only to accelerate the planned measures – through greater synergy between the different institutional levels and with the help of operational meetings within the coordination cabins established at all prefectures – but also a more effective management of resources public, with the possibility for implementing entities to request advance payments of up to 90% of the cost of individual interventions”.
