PNRR, request for fifth installment payment sent to Brussels

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(Finance) – Sent to the European Commission today request for payment of the fifth installment of the Italian PNRR.

A note from Palazzo Chigi in which it is also specified that among the 52 objectives included in the instalment, with a total value of 10.6 billion euros, there are important investments in the agricultural sectors, to increase the efficiency of irrigation systems and to implement the production of green energy, in the water sector, with new works for the strengthening of pipelines, purification systems and for the reduction of losses of the network, of the environment, with the construction of new plants and the modernization of existing ones for the valorization of waste, of local public transport, with the strengthening of the zero-emission bus fleet and of subways, trams and rapid transit buses, of infrastructure, with the electrification of the southern railway line and with high speed along the Salerno-Reggio Calabria route, of culture, with the energy efficiency of cinemas, theaters and museums, of schools, with the construction of new complexes with high energy efficiency, of public real estate, with the construction of new buildings for the administration of justice and the modernization of existing ones, of healthcare, with the implementation of modern care systems linked to telemedicine, of Public Administration, with interventions for the transition to digital, and of the university, with the awarding of scholarships and the financing of research projects.

On the subject of reforms – it continues – important objectives have been achieved, such as the full operation of the national e-procurement system for the acquisition of goods, services and information electronically, the reorganization of the school system, the entry into force of measures related to competition and the legislative framework of public procurement.

In line with what happened with previous payment requests, the payment of the amount due, which will be added to the 101.9 billion euros of the first four instalments, should take place in the coming months, at the end of the usual evaluation process envisaged by the procedures European and aimed at verifying the actual achievement of the objectives and milestones envisaged. Italy, as happened with the fourth instalment, is the first EU member state to also formally request payment of the fifth installment of the PNRR.

“Today’s request for payment of the fifth instalmentwhich follows yesterday’s payment of the fourth installment and the entry into force of the new Plan closes a year of great commitment and extraordinary results by the Government in the implementation of the PNRR. We are very satisfied and determined to continue the work in the coming months“, comments Prime Minister Meloni.
