PNRR, Rent: goal of fourth installment payment by the end of the year

PNRR today control room for revision of the fourth installment

(Finance) – The Minister for Relations with the EU and the PNRR, Raphael Thick, stated that the government expects the payment of the third installment of the PNRR within days. Speaking on SkyTg24, Minister Fitto explained that the executive has completed the entire process and is already working on the fourth: “as for the third we have chosen important choices, in recent months we have made 47 interventions to achieve the objectives” . Also for the fourth instalment, the government asked to negotiate with the EU, extrapolating it and modifying 11 objectives. The request for payment has therefore started and the government hopes to obtain the resources by 31 December.

With the payment of the third installment “you will reach 44%” of the equipment total and with the fifth it will exceed 50%. “We work – he added – aware of the great difficulty we face, but we think we can achieve important results”.

The theme of reforms “it will be one of the fundamental elements” in the implementation of the PNRR, the minister underlined. “There is no spending plan on the spending front investments that is unaccompanied, like the Commission European has indicated, with a very strong and adequate profile of reforms”, he declared. “So – he continued – the issue of reforms is not under discussion. We are doing verification work: how was a target established? Go and reconstruct this, because it is clear that the difference between those who have established a target very high and whoever has to achieve it will not escape. There are those who have imagined an ideal world and those who must realize it.”

This work, explained Fitto, is “also the fruit of a comparison with what happens in the rest of Europe, with the starting point, with the data objective sectoral and the collaborative work that we are carrying out with the European Commission and which will develop in these days in the technical tables, but also in institutional discussions, which will lead to the definition of an agreement on this too. And I want to underline that on all these aspects a very positive level of dialogue has been built with the European Commission.”

The government – ​​Fitto reiterated – is “adapting this plan to a context new“, because we are “in a complex phase from an economic point of view”.
