Pnrr, Mims: Ministry objectives for the first quarter of 2022 achieved

Pnrr Mims the tender for the award of energy efficiency

(Finance) – The Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility is in line with the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) having reached, after those scheduled for 2021, also the two targets maturing in the first quarter of the year. It concerns, in particular, the reform of regulatory simplification and the strengthening of governance for a better realization of investments for water supply and the signing of the 158 agreements envisaged to implement the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living (PINQuA).

“With today’s goals we have already reached ten of the 57 of our competence foreseen by the Pnrr, of which eight achieved in 2021 (including the strategic planning reform in the port area originally planned for the end of this year) and two in March of this year ”, highlighted the Minister Enrico Giovannini. “We are continuing to implement the NRP in line with the commitments made at European level. We work to ensure that the implementation of the Plan continues on schedule, aware of the complexities of the current economic situation and the difficulties of the international context. At the same time as the achievement of the PINQuA milestone – continued the Minister – today we are presenting an in-depth report on this important investment dedicated to urban regeneration and the promotion of a new housing offer for the weakest segments of the population, inspired by the principles of inclusion, of the fight against inequalities and environmental sustainability “.

There Relation on the state of implementation of the Pnrr is an articulated text which describes the goals achieved and the activities undertaken for each individual measure of the Pnrr and the Complementary National Plan (Pnc) under the responsibility of Mims. For the first time, the cards details of the measures, which include a summary of the time schedules implementation indicated in recent months with the implementing bodies. The document also contains a series of infographics that allow an immediate reading of the implementation status of the Plan and summarize the complex monitoring system developed by the Ministry.

The Report highlights that they are mainly expected in 2022 activities Of design in the rapid mass transport sector, in the water and railway sectors (where work has already begun on some lots) while the cost of carrying out the interventions should be approximately 5 billion euros in the current year (also including the disbursements in the form of advances provided for by the NRP), it grows progressively and reaches its peak (almost 9 billion) in 2025. Based on the information provided by the implementing bodies, it is expected that 15-20% of the resources will be subject to calls published in 2022, a further 20-25% in the first half of 2023, while most of the residual resources will be the subject of calls published in the second half of next year. In the coming weeks, the Ministry will contact the beneficiaries and implementers to evaluate the possibility of accelerating some proceduresalso in light of the simplifications introduced with the reforms approved in 2021, so as to offer already in the coming months a stronger stimulus to growth and employment, also taking into consideration the complexities of the current economic situation.

As for the Report on PINQuAillustrating the contents, Minister Giovannini noted how “Municipalities and Regions have best interpreted the ambitions of the program by presenting projects focused on the needs of the territories in the light of a new model of public building, focusing on the principles of sustainability social And environmental“. The PINQuA Report places, among other things, the emphasis on the so-called ‘common impact indicators’ which underlie the assessment quantitative of the Plan itself, in line with the provisions of European regulations in terms of the conditionality of the NRP. In particular, it is estimated that the implementation of the Program will produce a 38% reduction in primary energy consumption and a 31% decrease in annual CO2 emissions per square meter, with a significant effect on combating the climate crisis.

The PINQuA Report, which will be discussed at a conference to be held on April 13 at the MAXXI museum in Rome, inaugurates a series of publications by the Ministry that describe in depth the individual interventions of the NRP and the PNC with the aim of increasing the awareness of the territories and communities concerned on the projects started and the social, environmental and economic expected.
