PNRR, Meloni: we are working hard to achieve the fifth installment objectives

PNRR Meloni we are working hard to achieve the fifth

(Finance) – The PNRR Control Room this afternoon at Palazzo Chigi, convened by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR, Raffaele Fitto and chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, in the presence of the Ministers and representatives of the Regions, Provinces and Municipalities, has carried out a verification of the implementation status of the PNRR, as well as an update regarding the payment of the third instalment, equal to 18.5 billion euros, expected in the next few days, to the request for payment of the fourth instalment, equal to 16.5 billion euros, transmitted by the Government to the European Commission on 22 September and an initial analysis of the achievement of the goals and objectives of the fifth instalment, also based on the proposed revision of the Plan.

“Today’s control room – declares the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni – it was useful to take note of the work carried out in these first eleven months of government, of what we are called to do to achieve the objectives in the short term and above all of what needs to be done today to ground the projects tomorrow and to ensure the complete realization of the complex and articulated Italian PNRR. In the next few days we are waiting for the third instalment, in recent days we have formally requested the fourth, we are working hard to achieve the objectives of the fifth and for the overall review of the Planwhich includes the REPowerEU Chapter”.

Compared to the twenty-eight objectives set by the fourth installmentverification activities by the European Commission services are already underway to ensure the payment of the 16.5 billion euros by 31 December 2023.

The work of the Control Room continued with the focus on achieving the objectives and goals connected to fifth installment; the results to be achieved by 31 December 2023, with the Plan unchanged, are sixty-nine, of which twenty-three milestones and forty-six targets, with the gross amount of the fifth installment equal to 18 billion euros.

The proposed changes to the Plan, in relation to the fifth instalment, transmitted to the European Commission on 7 August, provide for the time deferral for thirteen objectives, the elimination of six objectives, which can be covered with other sources of financing and the integration of the milestone relating to the new measure of the single SEZ (reform). If all the proposed amendments were approved, the results to be achieved, as of 31 December 2023, would go from sixty-nine to fifty-one, the number of targets from forty-six to thirty and the number of milestones from twenty-three to twenty-one.

“In these days, together with the detailed work of reporting the objectives of the fourth and verifying those connected to the fifth installment – explains the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion policies and the PNRR, Raffaele Fitto – I am constructive discussions are underwaywith the Commission services, for the overall review process of the Plan and for the inclusion of the new REPowerEU chapter, which will be fundamental to structurally achieve the objectives of competitiveness, energy security and environmental sustainability, indicated by the European Commission”.

The. is expected by 31 December 2023 EU Council decisionregarding the revision of the Plan and the new REPowerEU Chapter.

The work of the PNRR Control Room today will be the subject of sharing with the organizations representing the partnership economic and social, during the sessions of Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 September, divided into specific sessions organized on a sectoral basis, which include the examination of the proposals formulated by the entities of the partnership, also with reference to the revision of the Plan and the inclusion of the REPowerEU chapter.
