PNRR, Government amendment on the Court of Auditors. And Fitto assures: “we are on time”

PNRR Government amendment on the Court of Auditors And Fitto

(Finance) – It took place in the afternoon at Palazzo Chigi lthe control room on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) which had on the agenda the six-monthly report on the state of implementation of the Plan which must be presented to Parliament. At the meeting, chaired by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, cohesion and the Pnrr, Raffaele Fitto, several ministers attended. Also present was the president of the Conference of Regions, Attilio Fontana, the president of the Upi, Michele Pascale and the president of Anci, Antonio Decaro.

meanwhile, the government formalized the presentation of an amendment on the powers of the Court of Auditors to the decree on the PA. This was announced at the opening of the session by Walter Rizzetto, chairman of the Labor commission of the Chamber which examines the decree with the Constitutional Affairs commission. The proposed modification signed by the executive contains two different rules concerning the controls of the Court of Auditors. The first is a one-year extension until 30 June 2024 of the so-called shield sregulations concerning tax damages. The second provision, on the other hand, removes the so-called concomitant control, i.e. in progress, by the Court of Auditors on all the expenditure of the funds of the Pnrr. Concomitant control is that, according to the provisions of the law, which can be requested by the parliamentary commissions.

Immediately after the control room, Minister Fitto spoke at the press conference clarifying some points. “At the moment, only 5 European countries have presented the amendments to the Plan with the “RePower”: this gives the idea that not only are we absolutely on schedule, which are those of August 31st, as the European Commission has repeatedly underlined. I often hear about delays but we should frame them with specific examples”. “I think it is equally important to underline the fact that the complexity of the work of modifying our plan is certainly different compared to other countries”, Fitto continued. governance, he explained, “we often hear criticism of the presumed delay of this governance. It would be appropriate to have elements that objectively do not emerge and are not there”.

Fitto also walked away – at least on a dialectical level – the controversy with the Court of Auditors. “There is no clash with the Court of Auditors. We have the utmost respect in the Court of Auditors, but the government also asks for a similar respect”he said hoping for cooperation.

As for the rule on the extension of the shield for tax damages of the public manager “it is a rule decided by the Conte government, which the Draghi government has extended and which we have also extended. We are in line with previous governments. We don’t understand why the controversy is only happening now. We’ll meet tomorrow.”

«On the fourth installment it is right to ask the question”, says Fitto, explaining that “there are objectives that can be modified. There are realities to intervene on. StThe nursery schools will bypass June 30, modifying the intermediate objective, but we will hit the target”he assures.
