PNRR, Gentiloni: yes to targeted adjustments, re-discussing the whole Plan is not a priority

Eurogroup ready to act on the economy if necessary

(Finance) – Yes to “adjustments” and “limited corrections” on the National Recovery and Resilience Planbut “we must not fall into the trap of thinking that now the country’s priority is to completely re-discuss our PNRR.” The warning came from the European Commissioner for Economy, Paul Gentiloniduring his video link intervention at the “Verso Sud” forum in Sorrento. “Many things have changed in recent months, not only for theRussian invasion but also in part already before. These changes they can lead to some adjustments to existing plans as well. But these are targeted and individual adjustments targets“he stressed.

“I am completely in line with what the government has continually said about this. Because we, as the first beneficiary country, also have one responsibility particularly towards Europe. And I see how all countries are reacting to problems that are more or less similar. Everyone is possibly asking the question of how adjust the plans – he said -, make limited corrections “.

Gentiloni then recalled that the European Commission will approve the plan next Wednesday (May 18, ed.) RePowerEu which aims to make the Union more independent from supplies energetic from the Russia by 2030. “We face an enormous challenge, which is energy independence. We are working to present a Commission plan that we will approve on Wednesday. So the work is very very intense – he added – and it is a part on which I believe that especially the Noon and the Mediterranean “can play an important role.” In particular with regard to energy, I believe that the South can play a significant role in terms of diversification of sources of supplying“.

Finally, a reflection on future of the EU. For Gentiloni there are two fundamental fundamental aspects: “the first is to limit the divergence, the differences between countries and between areas of different countries, because the excess of differences in a place where there is a single currency and freedom of movement for workers, where there is a single market, is a threat existential. So reducing this difference is essential “.

The second aspect is “relaunching the commitment towards South“. The EU Commissioner praised Minister Mara Carfagna for organizing the Forum together with the European House Ambrosetti.” It is a decisive issue and I am quite happy, I think it was a positive choice. I am pleased that we continue on this. because we cannot pay for the errors of the last phase of the extraordinary intervention for decades Noon. The time is back when the South requires a intervention strong, “he concluded.
