PNRR, Fitto: strengthened monitoring to verify the status of implementation of measures

PNRR control room Government with businesses and unions comments

(Finance) – The two sessions of the control room on the PNRR convened for today in the Sala Verde of Palazzo Chigi by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and PNRR, Raffaele Fittouseful for verifying the proposed remodulation of the Plan and for monitoring the objectives of the fifth installment and the objectives of the fourth, equal to 16.5 billion euros, with respect to which the Government has initiated payment procedure. On the agenda of the first meeting – explains the note – the examination of the state of implementation of the measure for the management of flood risk and for the reduction of hydrogeological risk (M2C4-Investment 2.1b).

The Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies was present Nello Musumeci, the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana and representatives of the Anci. The interventions financed and distributed on a regional basis, with an overall financing of the measure equal to 1.2 billion, they are divided into type E (restoration interventions of damaged public structures and infrastructures) and type D (interventions to reduce residual risk, also with the aim of increasing the resilience of local communities) . The investment for the projects outstanding amounts to 400 million euros; while 800 million euros have been allocated for new projects. There measure provides for the publication of all tender notices by 30 November 2023. The Control Room, after an examination of the state of implementation of the measure, shared the need, as has already happened in the days previous ones, to start “enhanced monitoring”, with all the Regions, to verify strict compliance with the deadline.

“For this reason – explained Minister Fitto – following today’s session of the control rooma communication will be launched to the Regions where they will be asked to provide an update on the status of implementation of the measurea, both in terms of uploading to REGIS and in procedural terms to verify the coherence between the timetables and the target of the measure”. The comparison was constructive and continued also in the second session of the afternoon, dedicated to the measures of digital transformation. The Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for technological innovation, Alessio Butti.

They participated in the work remotely, the councilor of the Umbria Region Michele Fioroni, coordinator of the Technological Innovation and Digitalisation Commission of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the ANCI and the President of the UPI Emilia-Romagna Andrea Massari, during the meeting an assessment was made of the objectives achieved in the fourth instalment, those envisaged for the fifth and the proposed remodulation of the Plan, with particular regard to the fruitful discussion underway with the services of the European Commission on the proposals to modify the measures that the Government intends to promote to implement the goal of digital transition. “The active and responsible participation of municipalities and regions in the institutional roundtable of the Control Room is more necessary and strategic than ever, taking into account that numerous measures require opinions, permits and authorization from local authorities”, declared Minister Fitto.

“Hence the need for a detailed analysis by all the bodies involved on the results achieved and any critical issueswhich allows us to deal profitably with the European Commission so as not to fail to achieve the objectives and to be up to the challenge that we face as a country as a system”, concluded the Minister.
