PNRR, Cipess gives the green light to the Mims-Rfi Program Contracts 2022-2026

Pnrr Mims the tender for the award of energy efficiency

(Finance) – The Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning and Sustainable Development (Cipess) today approved important measures of competence of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (Mims), which allow to accelerate the implementation of the projects National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and to carry out works long requested by the territories. With today’s decision, Cipess approved the two Program Contracts (services and investments) between Mims And RFI for the period 2022-2026 which regulate the management and maintenance of the network and the investments in the development and modernization of the network.

In this way, one of the PNRR reforms was implemented, which made it possible to reduce the time used by the Government to define the investments railway future, as part of the strategic planning presented to Parliament in December 2021, for the years required for the definition of the previous multi-year contracts.

The Cipess also approved: the update of prices for works immediately building sites financed from the 2021-2027 Development and Cohesion Fund, for an additional value of 1.5 billion euros; the final project for the Marche-Umbria road axis for the completion of the Quadrilatero road system; the update of the economic and financial plan of the Naples ring road company for the period 2019-2023; the construction of the Milan-Parco Nord light rail; the draft decree for the distribution of the resources of the “Port infrastructure fund” to finance works in ports of national importance.

“It is an important day for planning the investments that build the country’s future”, commented the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini. “The Pnrr reforms carried out by the Government have allowed an extraordinary acceleration of the planning of railway interventions: the new Mims-RFI program contracts were defined in a few months compared to the two years that had required the process in the previous 2017 programming cycle- 2021, proving that the standard we introduced a few months ago produces the desired effects. The important decisions of Cipess are the result of a strong collaboration between MIMS, MEF, the offices of the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion and the Department for Economic Planning of the Prime Minister ”.
