PNRR, Borghi National Plan: 1.02 billion for redevelopment of 315 municipalities and over 2,700 companies

PNRR Borghi National Plan 102 billion for redevelopment of 315

(Finance) – To finance the redevelopment of 315 villages and support over 2,700 entrepreneurial initiatives, 1.02 billion euros were allocated. These are some of the numbers that testify to the relevance for the country and the progress of the National Plan Plan of the PNRRpresented today during the event entitled “Recovery Plan EU in culture. The regeneration of Italian villages“. The appointment was promoted byCivita Association In collaboration with Ministry of Culture, Invitalia As part of the monitoring of the activities financed by the PNRR and in relation to the commitment of the Association for the protection and revitalization of the villages.

During the event, the importance was underlined – also testified by the presence of the president of the ANCI and the mayors of
some interested municipalities – of National Borghi Plan, which represents a strategic lever for the regeneration of small towns.

The Ministry of Culture, in fact, in defining the strategic lines of the PNRR, has innovated by putting the territories in the center, where the municipalities are the protagonists of the most important and avant -garde investments. An example is theInvestment “Borghi attractiveness”with More than 300 small municipal realities financed.

To date All the resources of the MIC PNRR have been assignedthe projects are all under construction and the European targets planned so far have all been achieved within the deadlines established. For some objectives, an advance of the achievement is expected with respect to the set terms. Among these, investment 2.3 – historic parks and gardens, He has already achieved the EU targets scheduled in December 2025 as the works of 54 parks have already concluded, widely above the target established by 40 parks made.

Today’s meeting was an opportunity to present the New edition of the notebook of the Civita Association, Curated by the Valla Studio, which offers a comparative analysis of the progress of the national recovery and resilience plans (PNRR) of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal.

After the institutional greetings of Gianni Letta, President of the Civita Association, Tommaso FotiMinister for European Affairs, PNRR and Cohesion and Ministry of Culture policies, represented by the head of cabinet Valentina Gemignania round table took place, moderate from Simonetta GiordanI, Secretary General Civita Association to which they intervened: Gaetano ManfrediPresident ANCI, Bernardo Mattarella, Invitalia CEO, Angelantonio Orlando, General Manager of Mission Unit for the implementation of the PNRR, the Ministry of Culture, Valerio Valla, CEO Studio Valla, Lino Nicola GentileMayor of the Municipality of Castel
of the judge (IS), Antonio LiberatiMayor of the Municipality of Otricoli (TR), Mario AmauraNapex srl.

The Notebook of the Civita Association He highlighted how, despite the very demanding challenges for the implementation of the interventions and reforms provided for by the national recovery and resilience plans in all sectors, the cultural sector represents a positive example in the management of European funds having demonstrated an effective implementation capacity so far. The analysis of investments intended for the cultural sector In the context of the national recovery and resilience plans (PNRR) highlights a significant commitment by the four countries considered. Italy is positioned in first place in terms of financial resources allocated to the cultural and tourist sector, with a share equal to 3.5% of the total budget, equal to 6.6 billion euros. France follow with 3.1% of the total budget, Spain with 1.19% and Portugal with 1.45%.

While Italy and France have concentrated their efforts on a wide range of cultural interventions, Spain and Portugal They focused more attention on digitization and support for creative industries. In terms of progress in the implementation of projects, Italy and France they stand out for an efficient resource commitment capacity. Italy has already allocated 95% of funds
provided for culture, while France used about 75% of the resources intended for the sector. The Portugalwith a rate of use of the funds equal to 93%, in particular in the digitization of cinema and theaters and in the promotion of craft traditions. There Spain, Despite having started important projects in the audiovisual sector, such as the Spain Audiovisual Hub, still presents margins for improvement in the overall implementation of the cultural measures provided for by the PNRR. Despite the adoption of diversified approaches, i Four countries They share the desire to enhance culture as a fundamental tool for social cohesion and sustainable development. Each country has defined specific objectives for the conservation, enhancement and digitization of cultural heritage, as well as for the promotion of creative and cultural industries.

“The data contained in the notebook of the Civita Association are comforting and show that the Italian cultural sector, understood in a broad sense both in public and private components and at the central and local level, understood the great opportunity offered by the PNRR and is working synergistically, as evidenced by today’s meeting, to better use the resources available. – he said Giordani -. Obviously there is still a lot to do and as a Civita Association, also through our Borghi Committee, we intend to continue in our commitment aimed at connecting institutions, municipalities and business world, especially in relation to the theme of villages, to seize all the opportunities offered by the PNRR and also from the next community programming “.
