Pneumococcal vaccine: names, baby, adult, dangers

Pneumococcal vaccine names baby adult dangers

The vaccine against pneumococcal infections (names: Prevenar, Pneumovax) is compulsory for babies and recommended for certain immunocompromised adults. Age, recall, composition, side effects…

Vaccines against pneumococcal infections (which are serious in small children) are mandatory since 2018. There are several, targeting different serotypes: it is the Prevenar or Pneumovax vaccine depending on the age of the child. In France, pneumococci constitute a frequent cause of acute otitis and bacterial meningitis in children under 2 years of age. Who should get vaccinated against pneumococcal disease? When to get the pneumococcal vaccine? What are the possible side effects ? Is it a reimbursed vaccine?

Why get vaccinated against pneumococcus?

THE pneumococcal vaccine serves to protect against pneumococcal infections which are essentially pulmonary infections such as pneumonia as well as meningitis, that is to say infections of the meninges, envelopes which surround the brain”, explains Dr. Valérie Delbos. These infections more often affect young children, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses. Mortality from invasive infections (pneumonia, meningitis) varies from 10% to 30% depending on the studies. The sequelae of pneumococcal meningitis (deafness, disability) occur in about a third of cases.

Is the pneumococcal vaccine compulsory? In the baby? The adult?

It has been mandatory since January 1, 2018. These are infections that occur in toddlers and can be very serious so they must be vaccinated as soon as possible.“, warns the specialist. In adults, this vaccine is simply recommended for people at risk: people whose spleen has been removed, or those who suffer from heart or respiratory failure…

What is the composition of the pneumococcal vaccine?

Polysaccharides from 13 different types of Streptococcus pneumoniae (serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F)

What are the names of the pneumococcal vaccines?

In the very young child, it is the PREVENT which works very well and protects against 13 pneumococcal serotypes. There is another vaccine for immunocompromised patients called PNEUMOVAX (protects against 23 serotypes) and which is also associated with PREVENAR because it is a little less immunogenic“, observes the specialist.

At what age should the pneumococcal vaccine be given?

PREVENAR is done at the age of 2 monthsat the age of 4 months and we remind 11 months“, explains Dr. Valérie Delbos.

Do reminders need to be done?

There is no reminder of these vaccinations to perform.

What are the possible side effects after this vaccine?

The pneumococcal vaccine can cause the same side effects as most vaccines, including:

  • Injection site reaction such as pain, redness, swelling
  • General effects such as fever, muscle or joint pain
  • Allergic reaction

How much does the pneumococcal vaccine cost? Is it reimbursed?

PREVENAR is priced at 51.32€ and is covered at 65% by health insurance. The PNEUMOVAX is available at the price of 19.69€ and is also reimbursed at 65%.

Thanks to Dr Valérie Delbos, doctor specializing in infectious and tropical diseases and internal medicine at the CHU d’Angers.
