Pmi and Mid-Cap, CDP-Intesa Sanpaolo agreement: one billion for investments

Pmi and Mid Cap CDP Intesa Sanpaolo agreement one billion for investments

(Telestock) – One billion available to the real economy to support access to credit and the expansion of microsmall and medium-sized Italian enterprises, promoting the growth of both the territory in which they operate and employment levels: this is the aim of the new financing agreement stipulated between Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and Intesa Sanpaolo.

The operation – the note explains – is part of as part of the broader collaboration between the two institutions aimed at promoting initiatives in favor of Italian companies which, starting from 2021, have made it possible to make available resources equal to 3.8 billion euros: this commitment has already made it possible to support over 1,300 companies and it is estimated that it can support the same number in the next three years, for a total of 2,600 companies.

In detail, the new billion will be entirely used by the bank to provide loans to Italian SMEs and Mid-Caps, up to 25 million for each project and with a duration of up to 18 years. The resources may be allocated to investments by companies to be created or in the process of being created with a view to strengthening the main national production chains; to expenses for tangible or intangible fixed assets; and to working capital needs.

The joint initiative by Intesa Sanpaolo and CDP “responds to the desire to support the Italian entrepreneurial fabric in a constantly evolving market phase, expanding financing options available to beneficiary companies with a view to stimulating even their most complex and dimensionally significant investments”.
