“Pluralisme”, the search engine that follows French political life

Pluralisme the search engine that follows French political life

The pluralisme.fr site makes it possible to monitor the speeches of political figures in real time and to provide media professionals and citizens with the first database of speeches by influential figures in France.

To achieve this result, Pluralism has automated, using artificial intelligence programs, the collection and analysis of TV media streams and national or local radio stations. In total, 1,300 political personalities are continuously followed on these multiple information channels. Video and audio speeches are classified according to around twenty criteria. We thus find the themes addressed in the content of the political speeches, but the site also indicates the channels on which they were pronounced, or the political party of the personalities who expressed themselves on more than 70 French audiovisual media.

Control and cross » sources of information

It’s about ” a digital tool so that citizens and communication professionals such as journalists, politicians and others can control and cross-check their sources of information “says Fabrizio Papa Techera, chairman of the board of Pluralisme. The objective of the site is therefore both to strengthen democracy in France and to fight against the spread of Infox. Because at the time of the proliferation of communication and information channels in real time, it was becoming more and more difficult for professionals and citizens alike to follow all the statements made by political actors in France.

So, “ the website displays, for example, the quote from a political figure in written form but also accompanies it with the audio extract referring to the sentence that was pronounced during a debate or an interview. The excerpt includes the few minutes preceding or following the invention of the political personality. This monitoring of speeches makes it possible to verify statements and avoid the spread of Infox by knowing what was exactly said, by whom, how, in what circumstances and on which media the remarks were broadcast. “, adds the president.


The ambition of Pluralisme is to soon decipher these words on social networks, starting with podcasts or videos published on Youtube, Twitch, or even TikTok.

The site has decided to open up part of its offer to Internet users with free and open access. Professionals, on the other hand, can subscribe to a subscription which gives them more in-depth research capabilities and monitoring of the political figures they have chosen to follow more precisely.

Pluralisme.fr is the result of the collaboration between Lexbase, which is a legal publisher and a Legaltech with Magic Lemp, a young researcher specializing in trusted artificial intelligence in sensitive areas.
