Plumbers swear by this method – here’s how to unclog your pipes effortlessly

Plumbers swear by this method heres how to unclog

Finally, an effective natural method for unblocking a pipe effortlessly and without chemicals.

What a horror to have your pipes blocked. Whether it’s the sink, the sink or the shower, it can quickly become a real ordeal. Between food residue and grease in the sink, or hair, shower gels and shampoos in the shower, it can lead to nasty blockages in kitchens and bathrooms. The water no longer flows, or really very slowly, an unpleasant smell comes from the pipes….

Forget those industrial unblockers full of chemicals and which cost a fortune, and use soda crystals instead. A method well known to plumbers that works miracles… Soda crystals, also known as sodium carbonate, are white crystals that are odorless and soluble in water. They are derived from natural raw materials like salt and limestone, making them safe for household use. They are versatile and can be used for different household tasks, including unblocking drains.

How do they work? The action of soda crystals in unblocking pipes is based on their ability to dissolve grease, food residue, limescale and other deposits which obstruct the pipes. When mixed with hot water, soda crystals react chemically with fats and oils, making them very easy to remove.

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To use soda crystals, be sure to wear protective gloves to avoid direct contact with the skin, they can be very irritating. Some people advise pouring soda crystals directly into the drain pipes first thing in the morning, when the pipe is dry. Then let it sit for half an hour then rinse with boiling water.

Other people combine soda crystals with white vinegar. Put soda crystals in the blocked drain, then add at least 1/2 liter of white vinegar. This will produce a chemical reaction for a while. Once the reaction is complete, pour in hot water to rinse. Repeat if necessary.

Finally, a final technique for unblocking your pipes with soda crystals is to dilute them in hot water. In a suitable container, mix around 200 to 250 grams of soda crystals with a liter of hot water. Make sure the crystals are completely dissolved. Slowly pour the mixture into the blocked pipe.

Leave it on for at least 30 minutes, or even overnight for stubborn blockages. Rinse the pipe thoroughly with hot water to remove dissolved residue and debris. Here’s one final tip and precaution: avoid using soda crystals after using a commercial drain cleaner, as it could cause a dangerous chemical reaction.
