Please note that a family member or close to passing downloads or views content illegally at home: as a holder of your internet subscription, you are responsible!

Please note that a family member or close to passing

Please note that a family member or close to passing downloads or views content illegally at home: as a holder of your internet subscription, you are responsible!

Digital era obliges, streaming and downloading online content illegally have become common activities. The IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) has notably become a solution popular with many users wishing to access a wide range of television content via the Internet. But access to works protected by copyright via fraudulent platforms exposes homes to legal risks.

In France, the authority for regulating audiovisual and digital communication (Arch) – resulting from the merger of the CSA and the Hadopi, well known to Internet users – actively monitors offenses related to digital hacking. Books and authorities can detect IP addresses involved in download or illegal streaming of protected content.

When such activities are identified, a graduated procedure is implemented. And it does not matter who is responsible for downloads or illegal viewing, it is the holder of the Internet contract who has the manager.

First, it receives a first warning by e-mail, recalling legal obligations in respect of copyright and transmitting recommendations to secure internet access to the neighborhood and relatives . In the event of a recurrence within six months, a second warning is sent. If a third offense is noted in the twelve months following the first warning, the holder then receives a warning by a registered letter. If it is still ignored, the file can then be sent to the public prosecutor for possible legal proceedings.

The sanctions incurred vary depending on the severity of the facts. For “characterized negligence”, that is to say the breach of the obligation to secure its internet connection, the fine can reach 1,500 euros. In more serious cases, prosecution for counterfeiting can be engaged, with sentences of up to 300,000 euros fine and three years in prison – but it is really rare, you really have to be a big offender. However, damages can be claimed by the beneficiaries of the works concerned. And that is more annoying.

Let us recall that holders of the Internet subscription are legally responsible for the use made of it within their home. Thus, even if the offenses are committed by the children of the household, it is the parents or legal officials who will be held responsible. It is therefore better to keep an eye on their use of the web, even if it means setting up parental control tools to monitor them and supervise their activities online.
