Pleasant and comforting, this very simple trick improves the quality of sleep

Pleasant and comforting this very simple trick improves the quality

It “transforms” sleep.

Between work, managing children, the house and the annoyances of everyday life, it can be difficult to sleep soundly and fatigue quickly builds up. To get a good night’s sleep, there are natural methods: essential oils, eating foods rich in magnesium, Bach flowers, melatonin or even certain herbal teas. If you haven’t yet found your miracle solution, an expert reveals a very simple tip that he says can “transform” the sleep.

Scents play an important role in mood and stress levels. Petar Peric, a British perfume expert, advises using them to improve sleep. “We use scents all the time to boost our mood during the day, so adding scents to your bedtime routine is worth a try if you have trouble sleeping.” he said in A study A German study published in 2022 also showed that subjects had a better quality of sleep thanks to smells that they considered pleasant.By using your favorite scent, you can evoke feelings of happiness and relaxation that can improve sleep quality.” argues Petar Peric. Which scent should you turn to? Which one works every time to induce sleep?

According to Petar Peric, the scents of sandalwood, bergamot, chamomile, and vanilla can promote relaxation and sleep. Lavender is also said to be effective in improving sleep quality and increasing the time spent in deep sleep. Another study published in 2022 and conducted by the Berlin Sleep Center observed an improvement in the quality and duration of sleep of subjects after making them smell a synthetic jasmine scent combined with lavender and passion flower oil.

To benefit from the benefits of these scents on sleep, according to the expert, it is enough to apply the perfume to the pulse 5 minutes before bedtime. Attention, “Do not spray perfume on pillows […]as this could cause eye irritation and keep you awake all night.” Finally, note that there are odors to avoid: “Everyone is different but in general I recommend not using perfumes that revitalize you right before bed.” He warns against perfumes based on citrus fruits, peppermint or lemongrass, energizing scents. “which is better saved for the morning”.
