Playstation State of Play: watch the opening of the Summer Game Fest live this Thursday

Playstation State of Play watch the opening of the Summer

Any State of Play is a small event for the world of video games. This Thursday, Summer Game Fest kicks off with Sony’s conference, which will be dedicated to the future of virtual reality gaming and the all-new PS VR 2.

[Mis à jour le 1er juin 2022 à 17h28] The first days of June mark the beginning of the festivities for the video game industry. If E3 is postponed to 2023, this year it is the Summer Game Fest that will be the center of attention. Geoff Keighley’s festival spans several days, and kicks off this Thursday, June 2 with a State of Play. It is therefore Sony who will occupy the front of the stage, and will offer to make us discover the future of gaming in VR. The PS VR 2, brand new VR headset from the Japanese creator, will be the main subject of the conference, scheduled for 11:59 p.m. French time. We detail everything you need to know about the event, and we present it to you live:

Regarding the announcements scheduled for the evening of next Thursday, it is still difficult to predict the big guests of the day. We know that the game in virtual reality will be at the heart of the debates, while the PS VR 2 headset could be the subject of a detailed presentation, and even the announcement of a release date. It is true that the brand new headphones from Sony have remained very mysterious since their announcement a few months ago. For the studios, it will also be an opportunity to present new projects, such as Horizon: Call of the Mountain from Guerrilla Games, and perhaps even the return of other key licenses through virtual reality gaming. We’ll meet you Thursday evening at 11:59 p.m. for more information.
