The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 beta is over and one gadget in particular is receiving a lot of praise from players who like to focus on conquering zones.
The CoD: MW3 beta ran until October 16th and gave a glimpse of 7 different multiplayer modes. There were also familiar modes that make Objective players sweat a lot: Domination, Position and Ground War.
The modes are about capturing certain zones and defending them from opponents. And every Call of Duty player who goes into a match like this probably knows this: mates who like to farm kills, but somehow don’t want to have much to do with the zone.
A field kit from the beta is now particularly praised by players for whom flags and zones are the most important goal in the match.
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New field equipment captures zones and hacks devices
What kind of gadget is this? The gadget is the ACS (Automated Computer Spike) field equipment. This useful device looks like a flat, portable computer and has the function of slowly conquering zones and hacking nearby enemy devices (via
So players in CoD: MW3 can focus on taking a better position and defending areas while their little helper is in the zone.
In a post on Reddit on October 16, user “eyeriis” wrote that the ACS field equipment was “the best thing added to CoD.”
“eyeriis” writes in the post:
For someone who is a total objective player in CoD, the ACS is so damn helpful when actually trying to win the game.
Especially in position, which is my favorite mode, it helped a lot to throw the ACS to defend the point for a few seconds when I know I’m going to die.
“ACS is my new buddy”
This is what other players say: One part of the community agrees with “eyeriis”, another is not very impressed. “KEE_Wii” agrees: “I always find myself defending the point alone while 90% of the team is just running around and shooting. With ACS I have a real chance to win.”
“Wishful_cynic” refers to the ACS as “his new buddy”. Another user commented: “Designed for solo lens players. It’s like having the ability to call in a trusted teammate to take the zone while defending it yourself.”
User “Sqweeg” adds that he hopes the field equipment will still be there when it is fully released. It is also very useful in the “Ground War” mode. “When alone on the flag, this upgrade increases the pace of the conquest as if there were 5 of us […]. It helped me capture some flags all by myself.”
The user “Radeni” writes in the comment that the upgrade still needs to be improved and says: “It doesn’t work half the time.” Another user finds the ACS useless, it seems to be destroyed in a few seconds after placing it has.
“slayer-x” considers the field equipment to be particularly helpful for solo players. It’s “not really overpowering, as it doesn’t last long and can be easily destroyed.” However, it could become a problem “playing against a group or multiple people who use it.”
What do you think of the ACS field equipment? Will you use them? Please let us know your opinion in a comment.
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