The MMORPG Lost Ark has been criticized since its release for relying to a certain extent on Pay2Win mechanics. This has been discussed so far, but now there is a new loot box system where skins with tangible benefits can cost you up to €530. We at MeinMMO summarize.
what is the situation On June 1st, the developers and publishers of Lost Ark revealed the roadmap for the next few months. In addition to some cool announcements, a system comes into play that resembles a loot box for skins and costumes. It’s called Yoz’s Jar and doesn’t sound that bad at first.
It gives you the opportunity to recycle skins that you no longer want. From this you get a material and, by contributing a few blue crystals, you can roll a new skin out of it. But if you look closely at the system, it has some problems and the best outfits can cost you up to €530. However, one by one.
What are legendary skins? The new system brings some epic and also two legendary skins for each class. The Legendary skins are new additions, as previously only the Epic costumes were present in our version.
Like the epic outfits, the legendary skins give you tangible bonuses to your stats, and they are even a little higher than usual. You get about 1% more stats per piece of gear compared to the epic variants.
So that makes 4% for the whole armor, which amounts to about 1.9% more damage overall, as calculated by user Birkholz on reddit.
In this video you get an insight into the endgame of Lost Ark:
Everything you need to know about the Lost Ark endgame – in the video
Loot boxes are hidden behind the new mechanics
How exactly does Yoz’s Jar work? If you have a skin that you no longer want, you can disassemble it in Yoz’s Jar. For this you get 7 pieces of fabric. You can basically disassemble any skin that somehow comes from the Lost Ark cash shop. Theoretically, it would even be possible to buy costumes on the market for gold and then disassemble them.
If you have collected a total of 14 pieces of cloth, Yoz’s Jar is used. You also buy the vessel for 100 blue crystals and can then randomly roll a new skin from the 14 fabric. There are various epic as well as the new legendary skins to choose from. You cannot influence which one you get.
How do you get €530 per set? Don’t be scared, but of course we need some math now. Each individual skin gives you 7 cloth when you dismantle it. So a full set of weapon, helmet, shoes, and top will net you a total of 28 cloth. Such a set currently costs around €22 on the western servers. You then need the jar itself for 100 blue crystals, which you can also buy with gold, but with real money it’s about €2.30 per attempt.
So if we assume that you are only buying the skins to reroll and get Legendary skins, a single Legendary Outfit try will cost you €13.30. If you’re not lucky, you can disassemble the skin you got straight away and save 7 pieces of cloth. Each additional attempt costs you “only” €7.80.
The roadmap trailer shows these skins. Here you can see for yourself whether they are worth the money for you:
How rare are the outfits? The legendary outfits come in two colors and, at least in Korea and Russia, each have a 5% chance of getting out of the jar (via reddit). So overall you have a 10% chance of getting a legendary skin. With average luck, each piece of the set will cost you €83.50 if you salvage every skin you draw.
So for a complete set you pay an average of €334 if you really disassemble each skin directly. If you don’t do this and keep all the epic skins you get when you roll the dice, each attempt will cost you €13.30. Which, with continued average luck, makes €532 for a complete Legendary set.
“We’re still far too excited”
How is the community reacting? Well, only a little at first, actually. In the roadmap, the concept of the system was only briefly touched upon and not explained in detail. Only when some experienced players from the Korean and Russian servers on reddit agreed to explain the jar in detail did the anger in the community grow.
The biggest reddit thread on the subject is only 20 hours old and already has over 4,000 upvotes. It explains the situation in more detail and encourages discussion because it is entitled “We are still not getting upset enough”. Considering the more than 1,500 comments, he has probably achieved his goal, because the mood is anything but good.
The Birkholz thread linked above, which describes the costs for the skins in more detail, currently has 507 comments and paints a similar mood. While some say the 2% damage increase really wouldn’t matter, the hardcore community in particular is very upset.
What are the fans saying? As usual, we would like to reproduce some of the comments here to clarify the mood:
What do you think of the new Yuz’s Jar system? Will you want a legendary skin and trust your luck and money? Or do you just farm gold for a while to buy skins from the market when it’s available? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.
By the way, MeinMMO editor Alexander Leitsch says: An MMORPG is so strong Pay2Win that I can only laugh at the criticism of Lost Ark and Black Desert.