Winning a big battle royale with over 100 opponents is something special for many players. It is all the more astonishing how easy it is to secure a victory in some cases. This also applies in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 – because a strong item can be stacked in the backpack and some just don’t do their job.
Full concentration over the entire duration of the match, a high heart rate to ensure that the brain is adequately supplied with oxygen and a few reasonably competent teammates – the best cocktail for victories in a Battle Royale shooter.
But you can also take a more relaxed approach, for example working a lot with the gas circuit and occupying good positions early on in the smaller, last gas circuits. You sit around a lot, but with patience you can also develop strong advantages.
Or you can rely directly on your opponent’s mistakes: Complete a few orders, collect some cash and buy a backpack full of self-revives. Because currently it is sometimes very easy to grab a win in this way – if opponents don’t finish their job.
A few more mistakes in Warzone 2 that you should avoid can be found in our video:
3 mistakes in CoD Warzone 2 that you should definitely avoid
CoD Warzone 2: Kill your opponents!
The self-revivals of Warzone 2 are currently being discussed controversially. These things can be used to get back on your feet after being KO’d.
There is little to criticize about the items themselves. They were already part of Warzone 1 and are a good and useful addition to the gameplay.
Players see the new inventory system as a problem. Because you can stuff your backpack completely with the self-revives. This leads to sometimes insane clips in which players shake simple victories out of their sleeves:
In the thread, users give the players an important tip: Kill your enemies!
In the clip, it’s good to see the player being KO’d three times, but coming back each time thanks to a self-revive. In the end, the player wins the match because he can easily get the last kill.
In such situations, leaving a downed opponent on the ground borders on negligence. Always make sure that you kill your opponents too.
What else excites the players? However, you don’t always get the chance to catch your reviving opponents at all.
If someone has a backpack full of revives, you can stay in the deadly gas for several minutes and just sit out the victory.
Nothing with exciting battles until the end. Just relax and hope that you have the one, decisive self-revival more than your opponent.
If you rely more on gun violence than patience, you will find the right information here: CoD Warzone 2: The best weapons with setups – constantly updated