Players find the stupidest reasons to never play good games

There are a lot of good reasons to play a game – and a lot of stupid reasons not to. We have a few of them here.

Players are sometimes a strange bunch. Even though they can see reviews from friends and other gamers around the world, they always find reasons not to touch a really good game. A phenomenon that is apparently quite widespread.

In the gaming subreddit, the user “DarkLlama64” has called for people to reveal the silliest and most illogical reasons why they don’t play a certain game – even though it actually promises to be fun. The answers are likely to make some people grin wryly and perhaps one or the other will find themselves in them too.

DarkLlama64 starts straight away and explains:

I will never play Dave the Diver because it was nominated for “Best Indie Game” at the Game Awards despite receiving massive funding. I know it’s a good game, but it would upset me every second I played it and I just knew I wouldn’t be having fun.

With these absurd reasons he obviously speaks to many people’s hearts. Because more than 6,300 upvotes and over 5,000 comments follow this “confession”. Many report their own irrational reasons for missing good games.

Fallout New Vegas.
The first time I started it on my laptop the charger exploded.
The second time there was a 6.4 earthquake and I had to run outside.
I’m not taking any risks here anymore.


Others no longer tackle a genre that is actually interesting because they were traumatized – or humiliated – by games of this type in their youth:

I really won’t be playing stealth games anymore because I just couldn’t get to the elevator in the first room of the late ’90s Metal Gear Solid demo.


Another reason is the German translation in games, especially if it has a lot of errors, like in this example:

I’ve heard nothing but praise for Okami. I’m a huge Zelda fan and I love the creative art style, so this should be my game.

Many years ago I wanted to try it out. But the German translation was so full of spelling errors, really at a junior level, that I put the game down after half an hour and never tried it again since.


It is clear that you want certain features. But to directly condemn an ​​entire genre because of a tiny feature seems rather extreme:

Any open world game where you can’t jump – that instantly ruins the whole game for me. It just makes my character feel so heavy and chained to the ground.


It’s not that difficult to understand a certain aversion to the most popular “emergency snack”, which most people probably know as Paimon:

Genshin Impact, solely because of the voice of that little flying thing that follows you. So annoying.


A fate that many partners of WoW fans had to endure is also reported. We’re sure some of you can understand “Filip”:

Wow. My first childhood love left me when a new DLC came out because he had to level up and didn’t have time for me anymore.
Fuck you, Filip.


But Final Fantasy also takes a hit. Here it’s not the gameplay, the story or the high number of cat girls. Rather:

Final Fantasy. It’s the hairstyles. I just can’t figure it out.


The whole post is full of other ludicrous justifications, all of which are worth a look.

Do you have a special reason why you will never touch certain games?
