In Diablo 4 there are some enemies who can drive players crazy with their annoying attacks. A player asked the community about the enemies that cause the most frustration.
Not only the bosses in Diablo 4 can be quite challenging and frustrating, but also the fights against elite opponents and other mobs. A player has now asked in a Reddit post about the most annoying opponents. Spoiler: The Butcher is by no means the most mentioned – although he is considered one of the toughest bosses in Diablo.
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Ghosts, exploding spider hosts, annoying wasps
Which opponents were named? In the November 15 Reddit post, user “i-3MoRz” asks what the most frustrating enemy in Diablo 4 is and gets numerous answers. He himself calls the enforcers who can pull him to themselves with a chain like “Roadhog from Overwatch”. He writes:
I remember an event that created a circular storm. If you get into the circle you will take massive damage and die. They spawned there and pulled me into the storm, it was so frustrating.
A comment with many upvotes comes from “TheHeinousMelvins”. He names an enemy that first appeared in Diablo 2:
Wraiths and Banshees. Pretty much all ghosts, actually. Especially because they suddenly appear right behind you and even though I’m prepared for it, it’s annoying to constantly be on guard to back away and dodge. And they really hit hard.
The next level would be exploding spider hosts. But they tend to just be annoying and take longer to die. The same applies to the bloated corpses.
Which opponents have already appeared? Ghosts existed in some form in most Diablo games. Among the particularly feared are the Wraiths from Diablo 3. Wraiths are “physical manifestations of tormented souls from the planes of burning hell” (via They look like skeletons with bat wings and can do a lot of damage.
One user writes in the comment that it feels like Wraiths or Banshees are hitting him with a shotgun. The user “jaxxxxxson” writes that he has started writing down dungeon names that contain ghosts in order to avoid them. “I’ll take spiders and poison over this shit any day.”
Which enemies are still mentioned? “ZealousidealRiver710” comments under the post: “Anything that delays his death or allows mobs to spawn again and thereby extends the dungeon.” By this he means, among other things, the spider hosts. But enemies that don’t group together, stay at a distance or cause crowd control also annoy him.
Another user writes “The stick shakers reviving their colleagues. I hate that sound.” One user is surprised that no one has named the corpse arch opponents yet. “The offscreen one-shot in high nightmare dungeons is damn annoying,” he writes in the comment.
“These wasps and their 100% damage, no matter how much armor and defensive stats you have, can get me,” writes the user “Volkrisse”. Many other users also predominantly mention wraiths, wasps, spider hosts and corpse bows in the comments.
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Which enemies do you find most annoying in Diablo 4? Feel free to leave us a comment.