PvP is a completely optional activity in Diablo 4, but one player wasn’t satisfied with this and asked the game’s community leader for a way to disable PvP entirely. The conversation has made it to Reddit, where the player is now faced with ridicule and criticism.
What is PvP in Diablo 4 all about?
In itself, however, not much happens in PvP areas. Aside from a few barbarians and hunters who oneshot a few casuals with their OP builds, players there even help each other more often. Even the Rare Butcher has 10x more player kills than all players combined.
The player demands: On Twitter, the user has now asked Blizzard to completely disable the PvP zones. Or more precisely: to offer an option to disable PvP. He wants to explore the entire world without doing PvP.
The conversation between the player and community boss Adam Fletcher is… a bit peculiar. We have translated it for you here:
User: “Give me the option to disable PvP.”
Fletcher: “To do this, follow these steps: 1) Don’t go into the optional areas called Fields of Hate.”
User: “Or just give me the option to opt out so I can enjoy the entire map in the game I’m paying for.”
Fletcher: “There are no plans [PvP] to disable. Again, I recommend just not going into the areas marked as hate fields.”
Another user uploaded the discussion to Reddit. There, the screenshot has accumulated over 16,000 likes and over 3,000 comments in just a few hours. Most of them laugh at the complaining player.
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“The attitude of the guy is ridiculous”
The top comment in the thread is just: “Damn casuals”, which was quickly expanded by other users to: “Damn idiots”. Because such an attitude has nothing to do with the fact that you play little.
It’s the sense of entitlement that some people feel just because they buy something. PvP as an optional zone was announced before the release, everything was clearly stated in the instructions that you have to confirm before playing.
Anyone who then complains and demands changes to such core content simply did not understand the world. There’s even praise for Fletcher and his calmness, not just responding with a “shut up,” even if you could tell from the choice of words.
Others make fun of the player and write: “But I paid for the PvP zone.” Here it is joked: then you don’t have to run into the optional areas that are not marked as PvP.
In general, arguments that culminate in: “But I paid for it” are basically stupid. Especially here because even in the PvP zones you rarely meet players who really mean it badly. More often you help yourself.
And even if: then you just die, it’s not like you lose anything significant because of it. Even players who are absolutely anti-PvP have had no problems with it so far.
The negative attitude of some players seems to be getting on the community’s nerves anyway:
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