This week there was some news about Final Fantasy XIV and WoW. When it comes to indie titles, however, things were a little quieter. We at MeinMMO summarize everything important from the MMORPG world.
The highlights of the week:
The story of the week:
The week in the podcast: In their own podcast MMO News, the two MeinMMO editors Alexander Leitsch and Mark Sellner are talking about the most important news about MMORPGs this week. Topics included the upcoming patch in Guild Wars 2, information from the Fanfest at Final Fantasy XIV and small news about a total of 10 indie titles.
You can listen to the podcast on Apple, YouTube or here on Spotify:
WoW is good, but also not; Pantheon is getting a standalone game
This happened with the big MMORPGs:
This happened with the small MMORPGs:
Eternal Tombs – First gameplay for the raid tests
More videos
This is what happened with the MMORPGs in development:
This is the MMORPG news of the week at a glance. What was your personal highlight? Did you experience anything else interesting this week that you would like to share? Or have we perhaps forgotten something important? Feel free to write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.
If you’re looking for a new MMORPG, you’ll find it here:
The 10 best MMORPGs 2023 – Which one is right for me?