Players break Half-Life world record together

Players break Half Life world record together

Thousands of players, who came together for Gordon Freeman’s sake, set the bar even higher by breaking the Half-Life world record.

There are thousands of players out there today who want to see Half-Life 3, even if Valve doesn’t make any noise. For the original Half-Life world record published in 1998, which left its mark on history, players came together and set a new record together. on social media #RememberFreeman Players gathered with the tag agreed to play the classic game for at least 30 minutes on Steam. The game must be played for at least 30 minutes in order for the sites that follow statistics to obtain data.

New Half-Life world record in honor of Gordon Freeman

Half-Life, the classic fps game that never gets old, had an average of 400-500 players a day until the dates showed August 14. On social media, the community has signed the hashtag #RememberFreeman to play the game for at least 30 minutes in honor of Gordon Freeman. In this way, the number of instant players reached 12,280, surpassing the all-time record. Previously, this record was recorded as 6,022 players. A similar situation was experienced for Half-Life 2 last year.

If Valve delays announcing the much-anticipated third game in the series, there won’t even be 10,000 players actively playing the series…
