Players are woken up by their gaming PC in the middle of the night – there is a more or less useful function behind this

A gamer reports that his gaming PC wakes him up in the middle of the night. There is a Windows function behind this so that you are not normally disturbed during peak times.

Strange things happen to gamers on a regular basis. A user once reported hearing strange voices coming from his gaming PC. Now a user explained that he was woken up by his gaming PC in the middle of the night. But what is behind the strange action?

Windows installs updates when they don’t bother you

What is the problem? A gamer reports on Reddit that he was woken up early in the morning by his gaming PC. The computer diligently installs updates early in the morning and the blue update screen lights up the entire room. The owner asked himself why the gaming PC had to do this in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

What’s behind it? There is a Windows function behind the nightly updates. Because Windows always tries to install updates when you are not using the PC. This way you disturb the owner as little as possible. This especially happens if you don’t shut down the PC completely, but just put the PC into sleep mode.

If the computer is in the study or office, you usually don’t notice anything about it. However, if, as in this situation, the PC is in the bedroom and the monitor is switched on, then this can have unpleasant consequences.

Can you switch off the function? In principle, there is also the option of deactivating this function, but to do this you have to dig deep into the system’s registry. Alternatively, you can simply switch off the PC properly. However, you will then have to start the updates manually or wait until the updates are completely installed when you shut down your computer.

Basically, we would recommend that you turn off your computer at night. There are a few reasons for this:

5 reasons why you should turn off your computer at night
