On the evening of May 15th the premiere of the first trailer for the new Assassin’s Creed took place. Players and fans are immediately upset about a detail that they noticed on the PS Store page. They believe that Ubisoft is forcing them to go online, but that’s not entirely true.
Fans could finally look forward to an official name, release day and the first trailer for the new Assassin’s Creed. The latest part is now called Assassin’s Creed Shadows and will send you to feudal Japan. As the trailer shows, this time the story revolves around a mysterious shinobi assassin and a legendary samurai from Japanese history.
Ubisoft presents the new Assassin’s Creed Shadow in feudal Japan with a first trailer
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What criticism is there already? Even if there was some joy about the latest news, it was quickly dampened by some fans and players. Among other things, they discovered a small detail on the PS Store page that caused dissatisfaction.
In a post on x.com, user Wario64 pointed out that, according to the store page, Assassin’s Creed Shadows “requires online play,” meaning players need an internet connection and a PSN account. A topic that is currently not well received by many players. Because under the post you will find a lot of comments expressing their disbelief and anger about it.
“Assassin’s Greed,” one user simply writes in his comment and with this play on words he probably wants to indicate that Ubisoft is simply showing their greed. User Sunny writes: “I understand multiplayer, but there should be no reason why a single player game should always be online.” Other users write that they wouldn’t spend $70 for it and others thank you for the warning.
Your games don’t belong to you, says Ubisoft
In his response, user ItsLucasKim also points out that Ubisoft recently claimed that players should get used to the idea that they don’t own their games. ItsLucasKim wants to “remind everyone that Ubisoft games do not belong to you once you purchase them” and claims that Ubisoft can take the game away at any time.
If you look at the other reactions, many players assume that you always have to play Assassin’s Creed Shadows online and fear that the game will simply shut down if the internet goes down, for example. But Ubisoft itself quickly spoke up about this.
This is what Ubisoft has to say: Ubisoft has confirmed that an internet connection is necessary for Assassin’s Creed Shadow, but having to be online at all times is simply not true here.
In a later post on x.com, Wario64 shared a screenshot of Ubisoft’s official statement on the matter. The team saw the questions from the community and wanted to share some information straight away.
“Assassin’s Creed Shadows does not require a mandatory internet connection at all times,” they write clearly in their statement. Although an internet connection is required to install the game, you can then experience the entire story and Japan offline until the end.
What are the reactions? But that hasn’t really calmed the situation down yet. Because this Internet connection for installation is also required for the disc version. Many players don’t understand the need for this. For many, this is reason enough not to buy the game. Another reason for many players not to buy the game could also be the rather high price: Asmongold believes that Ubisoft only wants to distract from the horrendous price with the new character in Assassin’s Creed