Players are so attached to their heroes that they have real nightmares about them

Can you get too attached to a WoW character? Some players of the HC variant are sure. Because they sleep poorly and dream of the death of their heroes.

In World of Warcraft Classic you take everything a little more seriously. Sure, after all, every character only has one life and you are particularly attached to your warrior, who you are trying hard to raise to level 60. But this apparently has even more drastic effects on some players. Because some complain about nightmares that plague them – and mostly about the death of their beloved character.

What happened? In the WoW Classic subreddit, Yetero93 talks about nightmares he has had that are related to his beloved character in the HC variant of WoW Classic. Many others join in and also report their dreams and nightmares in which they lose their character. It seems to many that their characters accompany them even when they sleep.

What did Yetero93 say? He tells us about his last night:

I believe it was Go’shek Farm in Arathi Highlands. Post-traumatic stress disorder from the Forsaken Courier a few days ago. Suddenly my human was dead. I clearly remember the death animation and the death scream that I have heard thousands of times from the Defias henchmen.

I looked in the guild chat and it just said “F” everywhere. I logged out and was prepared to delete my character because I didn’t want to try or transfer again. Then I noticed something was strange. I couldn’t remember the fight that killed me. Why was I dead?

Then I woke up, drenched in sweat and stressed from the nightmare (and maybe a bit from the drinking the day before) and realized it was just a dream.

I then drank some water and stood in the kitchen to quench my thirst while realizing how ruined I will be in the future. Am I really that attached to my character? What happens if I ultimately die with him? (…)

Many others respond to the story. They also talk about the nightmares they have had with their characters.

Lobsimusprime reports:

Yes, the first one always catches you off guard.

Mine was pretty strange. I wanted to help a friend on a low level quest, but for some reason I couldn’t press the buttons. My hands and fingers just didn’t do what I wanted to do as if someone else had control of my body and then killed my character without me being able to do anything. After that I got my control back.

In the dream, I came to the very logical conclusion that someone must have “hacked my body in real life,” so I opened a ticket about it.

Imagine the terror I had when I woke up the next morning to find my arm still asleep, as if someone had hacked it and turned it off…

Shoobs277 sees it a little more rationally and points out that such dreams are actually proof of how well you are doing:

I literally had a dream yesterday where my character died. You just know you live a privileged life when these are our nightmares.

Do you sometimes have dreams about World of Warcraft or another video game? How attached are you to your characters?

Hunters in particular die a lot in Classic – they have the most deaths.
