The strategy game Victoria 3 (Steam) depicts the political, social and economic conflicts of the world from 1836 to 1936. In the endgame of the game, it now turns out that communism is superior to capitalism as an economic system because better distributed prosperity boosts the demand for goods. Some players have a problem with this – not only from a balance point of view, but also for ideological reasons.
What are the different economic forms in Victoria 3? In Victoria you build factories, plantations and mines to simulate a country’s economy.
The parameters under which the companies operate are set in one of the countless menus in the strategy game. It is about the means of production, how the goods are transported or what the focus of production should be:
Victoria 3 in the release trailer
Soviet republic or planned economy – Communism is coming to Steam
One factor revolves around who actually owns the factory:
Victoria 3: Ever since I’ve been playing the new strategy game on Steam, I understand Olaf Scholz
Why is standard of living important? The standard of living decides what kind of products the individual population groups want:
In general, the higher the standard of living, the higher the demand for goods and the higher the economic power of a nation.
So if you want to fuel demand for goods and thereby increase the gross domestic product, which is so important in Victoria 3, you have to keep the standard of living as high as possible and for as many people as possible.
Capitalism fails due to a lack of raw materials – wood and oil are missing
What is the problem with capitalism in Victoria 3? In Victoria 3, even in a fantastically running economy, ultimately only the “rich class”, the capitalists, achieve a high standard of living.
Working people remain well below the living standards of the rich.
In the endgame of a capitalism game are:
In the current patch you reach “the limit of growth”
In addition, there are banal balancing problems: If you are striving for world domination with a country like the USA, the economy and the military demand such a high level of oil and hardwood that the world economy simply can no longer satisfy it and the economy collapses.
The raw materials in 1915 are simply not enough to saturate all the factories and units that you later build up as a “world power”. A problem that Paradox is already nibbling on, which has to consider: Which oil deposits could actually have been discovered in 1915.
With the next patch 1.1. should significantly more oil come to Victoria 3 (via paradox). But until that happens, the classic “growth economy” in Victoria 3 has clear limits.
Communism distributes wealth better – Increases demand for products
What is the advantage of communism? In communism, the money that the capitalists otherwise skim off is distributed among the workers, which increases their standard of living and purchasing power enormously:
Because the middle class is much larger than the upper class, this has a positive impact on the economy, as you can see:
How is this discussed? Especially the left-leaning US site Kotaku seems amused that communism is so strong. It is somehow logical that there would be an advantage if you don’t give all the money to those who put it in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands, but rather spend it, the US side believes.
It says, “Left nerds can feel vindicated playing Victoria 3.”
In the community, this is discussed almost philosophically. It says: This shows that communism is great on paper, as long as a well-meaning, omniscient body distributes the money and no one is pursuing their own interests.
Some people there don’t seem to like the fact that communism is so strong, in mods they want to remedy that, as they say:
There’s quite an ideological argument going on in the comments on reddit about the game’s seemingly so favoring of communism. It says:
The question is whether Victoria 3 will remain a communist paradise anyway – usually this only lasts until the next patch.
Anyway, I’m planning to play my next game as a communist leader; I like left experiments in Victoria 3 anyway:
Steam: I played Victoria 3 so that the US got a non-white president 160 years before Obama