Player wanted to sleep with Minthara – that cost him his score

The companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 are quite tempting. But a date with the domineering Drow Minthara can quickly end.

There are many ways to fail in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Honor Mode. But it’s especially amusing when you fail because of social interactions and not primarily because of a difficult fight. That’s exactly what a player had to experience if they just wanted to get a little closer to the imperious Drow Minthara. However, the plan backfired badly.

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What is Honor Mode? Baldur’s Gate 3’s “Honour Mode” is something like the hardcore version of the game. You only have one attempt to complete the game’s trials and tribulations. If your group is wiped out, the score is also lost. You can then convert it to a “normal” save game, but the challenge will then have failed.

How did the score get ruined? In a post in the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, FeatureCreative2429 reports that he has always experienced the game as a “good” character. It was time for something new:

In my last two games I was always sweet and nice, so this time I wanted to play the Dark Desire as a sadistic bard.

I slaughtered the Druid Grove and then had my “celebration”. [Minthara] started during the party.

She gets a little cuddly and lets her facade drop a bit, so I tell her about the prism. She walks away angrily. Oops, stupid decision. I’ve never seen this dialogue and was just curious.

But instead of just crashing the date, the player immediately got himself into a problematic situation. The fact that the group of heroes had the relic they were looking for with them seriously damaged Minthara’s trust – after all, it was their job to find exactly this object.

Minthara then tries to kill me in my sleep. I convince them not to do that quite easily. After I pass the dice roll, she tells me that if I’m worthy, she’ll take me to the Towers of Moonrise. All I have to do is pass a difficulty 2 Persuasion check. I have Guidance and am an expert in this area, so a bonus of +9. That’s easy, right? 95% chance of passing.

But it comes as it has to come. Because all bonuses are worth nothing if you roll a 1. This “Natural 1” does not receive the bonuses and is always considered a failure under all circumstances.

Critical failure.

The entire goblin force attacks me in my camp, along with [Minthara]. There is no way to escape here. We are being slaughtered. I lost 6 hours of my life. But hey, at least I had sex.

The honor mode score was then lost.

This is how the community reacts: The post is of course a hit for the players in the subreddit. More than 7,000 upvotes show a lot of entertainment and the comments are accordingly.

  • “A lot of people have lost well over 6 hours of their lives having sex, so I wouldn’t be upset about that.” – Newbiegainz00
  • “A typical “I won, but at what cost” moment.” – beatitredditor
  • Since the player was traveling as “Dark Desire”, there was also a tip to solve the situation differently next time. Because the Dark Desire has the option to let some characters die “accidentally”:

  • “Next time, just “fantasize” about breaking her neck.”
  • The fact that you long for a little more love and affection in Baldur’s Gate is not a special phenomenon. The Larian developers obviously know their community very well. Shortly after Valentine’s Day, the big patch 6 brought numerous improvements to the kiss animations and even a few completely new scenes that will make many a fan’s heart beat faster.
