Hell 3 is a difficult point for many players in Diablo Immortal to master at the moment. They simply don’t get any further – which can be because they play wrong. At least that’s what a veteran of the game thinks.
Where are the players failing? In Diablo Immortal you can switch between different levels of difficulty. Traditionally, these are given a special title, such as agony or hell.
Diablo Immortal is Hell 1-5. Each higher level provides better loot and is sometimes necessary to get certain parts from the popular sets. From Hell 3, however, many players have reached the limit.
What makes Hell 3 so hard? Anyone who does not pay in Diablo Immortal but actively plays will currently be stuck at Hell 2 and want to climb to Hell 3. There’s a problem here though: Hell 3 is designed for a combat rating of 2120.
Combat rating determines your strength in PvE. If you are below a required value, you will deal less damage to opponents, but at the same time you will take more damage. This is exactly where the players are getting stuck.
From a combat rating of around 1,800, progress is slow unless you dig deep into your pockets. This criticism already existed for the new raid boss Vitaath, which was far too difficult. A player now explains how you can easily bypass this limit.
The controversial legendary gems also provide combat rating, but are primarily responsible for the resonance. You can find out how they work here in the video:
Diablo Immortal: What are Legendary Gems? Facts and locations in 3 minutes
3 tips help with hell 3
It’s easier like this: The user iseebirdsfly speaks up on reddit. He gives tips for Free2Play players to increase the battle rating faster. Because apparently many do some things simply wrong because they are not sufficiently explained in the game:
If you’re going to get help, there are some classes that are better at it than others. You can find the best classes in our Diablo Immortal tier list with advantages and disadvantages as well as gameplay for all classes in the video:
Diablo Immortal: All 6 classes at a glance with gameplay
As soon as you have reached a combat rating of around 2,000, according to iseebirdsfly your damage should be high enough to farm on Hell 3 without dying right away – despite the warning. From there you can also search for loot in the open world.
Only with a corresponding number of legendary items will you finally reach a combat rating of 2,120. From here you will be able to continue farming for quite a while, because Hell 4 already requires a rating of 3,250.
The fact that many players are hitting the limit right now is because a large proportion of players simply have not had time for a long grind. Because a very special group loves Diablo Immortal:
Diablo Immortal apparently has a very crazy target group: fathers of young children