A player of the MMORPG MapleStory faced a record: Twitch streamer Niru was supposed to become the first player in the world to reach level 300. A project in which he must have invested more than 10,000 hours. But the player used the opportunity of his success to protest. In the hour of triumph, he really expressed his opinion to the studio behind the MMORPG.
That was the plan:
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Here’s how MapleStory wanted to honor him: MapleStory promoted Twitch streamer Niru on April 25 via the official Twitter account. This is the “World First Level 300”, you should watch here (via Twitter).
Player simply stops shortly before level 300 – Criticizes MMORPG company
What went wrong? After hours of grinding, the streamer was actually close to level 300. But Niru stopped playing MapleStory at exactly 99.993%. He had put almost 17 hours into the MMORPG again.
He criticized the MMORPG and the publisher Nexon in the Twitch stream in front of a peak of 21,458 viewers.
Then he logged out and played Zelda: Ocarina of Time the next day.
There are 2 types of servers in MapleStory. “Heroic servers”, so-called reboot worlds, are Free2Play-friendly. The original “Interactive Worlds” are more hostile to Free2Play players, they are “Pay2Win.”
Streamer complains about MapleStory and all the Pay2Win
How did he criticize the publisher? The Twitch streamer says he’s probably the player who has invested the most time in MapleStory in the world, so he knows what he’s talking about.
A lot of things in MapleStory simply don’t make sense. He wanted to take the opportunity to explain this to the players so that they might understand:
We have embedded an excerpt from his rant here:
Streamer refuses to level to level 300
This is how the stream ended: After almost 18 hours he then said: He would now end the stream. He no longer wants to play or level up the MMORPG.
He then thanked the fans.
The streamer said he’s sacrificing a lot by giving up going to level 300, but if he does that no one would care:
“I took a lot of risks with this, but I really want the game to change”
This is what he says: The streamer apologizes for having to take this step, but he says that if he had just done level 300, nothing would have changed. But continuing to play the game at the moment is simply not worth it.
He knows that he sacrificed a lot by not going to level 300. But he really wants MapleStory to change.
That’s how it’s discussed: A user on reddit aptly says: Niru actually sacrificed a lot. He had the opportunity to reach level 300 and be MapleStoy’s flagship streamer forever, with the full support of Nexon.
Now he will certainly never be supported by Nexon again.
Every MMORPG player has dreamed of this
This is what lies behind it: This is an MMORPG player’s dream come true: reaching that moment where you feel special in an MMORPG and even the publisher is listening to you, and then using that moment to release all the pent-up frustration that every MMORPG player has. player has to get rid of it.
This is a fantasy come true.
But the question arises as to whether this one moment was worth the long grind. Hopefully he was at least enjoying MapleStory up to that point.
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