Honor Mode in Baldur’s Gate 3 presents players with the ultimate challenge. One player was so afraid of an Act 1 boss that he prepared for a long time and ended up easily defeating him.
What’s hard mode all about? In Baldur’s Gate 3, Honor Mode, the most difficult of all difficulty levels, represents the ultimate challenge for players. In Honor Mode, there is no rewinding, no ability to re-roll clumsy save scumming rolls, or revise decisions.
Spoiler: The article contains spoilers about Act 1.
Decisions once made are final, and mistakes can have devastating consequences. Each boss has been given a special ability, called legendary actions, to make the fight even more difficult and the mode can do much more. If the group dies, Honor Mode is over – but you can then switch to Tactician or have the save deleted.
In this unforgiving environment, a player ventured into a fight against a feared boss in Act 1 – we’re talking about the Hag. He prepared for the fight for a long time.
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The player only returns to Vettel at level 7 and defeats her in one move
How exactly did he prepare? Every step must be carefully considered, and the slightest mistake can mean the end. In this context, Evoxrus_XV decided to prepare carefully because he had previously heard that the Hag was generating more clones and other players had warned him about this fight. He shares his story on reddit.
He decided to minimize the risks by thoroughly exploring the entire starting area, completely destroying the Underdark, and rising to level 7 before facing the Hag. For comparison: In the second-hardest mode, Tactician, you can kill the Hag at level 3 or level 4.
He even killed everyone in the Githyanki crèche first and only then returned to their teahouse.
This is how the fight went: When the crucial moment came and Aunt Ethel was revealed to be Vettel, the fight began. She became invisible and Evoxrus_XV had Gale shoot a fire spell (presumably fireball) at the spot where she actually stood invisible.
He then cast the Tasha’s Abominable Laugh spell. The spell causes a targeted creature to burst into a fit of laughter. The affected creature lies on the floor laughing and is unable to perform bonus actions, actions, or reactions for the duration of the bout of laughter. Each time the target takes damage, it can attempt to shake off the effect.
On reddit the player writes that he plays Astarion as a monk with the Way of the Open Hand subclass. He stunned the hag with a strike from the monk Stunning Strike and hit her again with a flurry of blows from the monk class action, doing a lot of damage.
He then hit her four more times with Lae’zel (Class: Fighter). The player himself takes on the role of a warlock and delivers the final killing blow with an Eldritch Blast.
By cleverly combining attacks, the Hag was incapacitated and Evoxrus_XV was able to defeat her in a single move.
Evoxrus_XV says:
She couldn’t even escape to her hiding place. RIP Ethel. You scared me so much that I killed you in one shot before you could even give me a boss fight.
More about honor mode: Baldur’s Gate 3 has tough “honor mode”, a professional can complete it in 38 minutes